menominee countyMENOMINEE COUNTY
Board, election, members, pay, 59.03 (5)
Children's code proceedings, attachment to Shawano county, 48.035
Election of supervisors, 7.11
Elections, nominations, 8.05 (6)
Family court commissioner, attachment to Shawano county, 767.13 (3)
Housing for low-income residents, state grants-in-aid, 59.07 (56)
Officers and employes, combination position authorized, 59.12
  Part-time authorized, 59.12
Old-age assistance, actions against tribe members prohibited, 49.085
Public assistance, actions against tribe members prohibited, 49.085
Records, transfer of, 2.08
Shawano-Menominee circuit court, 753.34
Titles, transfer of, 2.08
Town government, 60.09 (2), 60.21 (3)
  Combined and part-time offices, 60.305 (3)