See also Solid Waste

Council, 15.347 (17), 159.22
Criteria for effective recycling programs, 159.11
Fees, 77.92 to 77.97
High-volume industrial waste, 144.44 (7), 144.469
Liens from unpaid fees, 66.606
Loan funds, 234.68
Loan guarantees, 234.67
Loans, 560.65
Minority business loans and grants, 560.835
Municipal waste flow control, recycling or resource recovery facilities, 159.13
Newspaper recycling fee, 159.31
Oil, 159.15
Plastic containers, 100.297
Product labeling, 100.295
Public buildings, recycling space, 101.126
Rebate program, 560.12
Resource recovery and recycling program, 16.15
Solid waste management, 144.44
  Counties, 59.07 (133), (135)
Trust fund established, 25.49