Division, reassignment, 102.51
  State and local officers during public insurrection, 101.47
Decreased benefits, employe's fault, 102.58
Default without hearing, disposition of application, 102.18 (1) (a)
Defense of insurer limited, 102.30
Defenses, abolished, 895.37
  Contract to waive forbidden, 895.37 (4)
Definitions, 102.01
Dentists, reports, 102.17 (1)
  Alien, consul represents, 102.19
  As parties in interest, 102.51
  Death benefits, 102.46 to 102.49
  Defined, 102.51
  Division among, 102.51
  Nonresident aliens, 102.51 (2)
  Of incompetent employe, 102.195
Directors' personal liability, 102.28 (5)
  Benefits for state and local officers during insurrection, 101.47
  Resulting from preexisting disability, 102.59
  Schedules, permanent, 102.52, 102.53, 102.55
  Weekly, 102.43, 102.44
  Temporary, inconsistent medical diagnoses, 102.13 (3)
Discharge of liability, 102.32
Discrimination against employe claiming benefits, 102.35 (2)
Disfigurement, allowance for, 102.56
Disputes submitted to department, 102.16
Earnings, computation, 102.11
  Loss of capacity, evidence, 102.17 (7)
Employe, defined, 102.07
  Waiver of right to compensation void, 102.16 (5)
  Working outside state, conditions of liability, 102.03 (5)
  Defined, 102.04
  Enforce safety rules, 102.57
  Insurance, exemption, penalty, 102.28
  Records, reports, 102.37, 102.38
  Reports, forfeiture, 102.35
  Refusing employment or discharging employe, 102.31 (5), (6)
  Reports required, 102.28 (6)
  Shifting liability, 102.16
  Withdrawal, 102.05
Evidence, reports not admissible, 102.40
Execution, employer not exempt, 102.28 (5)
Exemption of employer, 102.28
  Revocation, 102.31 (5)
Extension of time to begin action, 102.23
Farming, definitions, 102.04 (3)
Final orders, commission may set aside, 102.18 (4)
Findings, awards, making, review, 102.18
  Conclusive, 102.23
Garnishment not allowed, exceptions, 102.27
Gross payments, 102.32
Health service bills, reasonableness, 102.16
Hearings, notice, witnesses, contempt, 102.17
  Outside state, 102.17 (1)
Hospital records, evidence, 102.17 (1)
Incidental compensation, 102.42
Increased benefits:
  Minor illegally employed, 102.60
  Primary and secondary liability, 102.62
  Safety violations, 102.57
Industry, labor and human relations department administers, 102.14
Injunctions against employers, 102.28
Inmates of institutions, 303.21
Insane, incompetent or felon confined in institution, 102.195
Inspection of premises, 102.17 (1) (e)
Insurer's records, reports, 102.38
  Reports, forfeiture, 102.35
Interest on delayed payment, 102.22
Intoxication, decreased compensation, 102.58
Joint liability, employer, contractor, 102.06
Joint ventures, 102.04 (1) (d), 102.28 (2) (a)
Judgment on award, 102.20
Legislators, coverage, 102.03 (1) (g)
Liability, apportionment of, 102.175
  Conditions of, 102.03
  Employer and contractor, joint, 102.06
  For increased benefits, primary and secondary, 102.62
  Of third party, 102.29
Limitation of actions, 102.12, 102.16, 102.17
Limitation of time:
  Filing claims, 102.17 (4) to (6)
  Third party liability actions, 102.29 (5)
Lump sum payments, 102.32
Malpractice action, 102.29 (3)