Train speed, stop signs, flagmen, gates, 192.29
Record of, 62.14
Repair, after excavation, 62.14
Right of way for vehicular traffic, 66.615
Rustic road system, 83.42
Service pipes or laterals, 62.16, 66.625
Sewerage commission,
Sewers, 62.18
Sidewalks, 66.615
Snowmobiles, blocking for use, 350.04 (1)
  Local ordinance to be filed, 350.047
  May regulate by ordinances, 350.18
Snow or ice, damages caused by, 81.15
Special assessments for improvements, 66.62
Speed limits, 346.57
Stop signs and traffic signals, installation, 349.07 (8)
Traffic accident record system, maintain, record, 66.0485
Traffic regulation, 349.03, 349.06
Transportation aids, annual adjustments in jurisdictional mileage, 86.302 (4)
  Cost reports, 86.303
  Distribution, 86.30
  Jurisdictional mileage determinations, file, 86.302
  Population estimates for determining aids, 86.33
Trunk highway system, connecting, 84.02 (11)
Vacation of, 66.296, 236.43
Widening of, taking of property, 62.23 (10)
CITY 17. Taxes17. Taxes
Adjustment upon incorporation, 66.019 (5)
Airports, 114.15
Art museums, 66.48
Assessor's plat, 70.27
Aye and no vote necessary, 62.11 (3)
Bond of chief of police, 70.68
Clerk's duties, 62.09 (11)
Collection, method, 70.68
Common schools, X, 4
Harbor commissioners, 30.38 (14)
Levy, metropolitan sewerage district commission, 66.91 (6)
Libraries, exemption from county tax, 43.64 (2)
  Levy for, 43.52
Light and heat, 66.061 (2)
Motor bus system, 66.061 (2)
Parks, 27.10
Parkways and boulevards, levy, 27.11
Property tax assessments, functions of board of assessors in second class cities, 70.075
Property tax credits, corrections, 79.175
  Payment, 79.11
  Underpayment, 79.18
Property tax relief, 79.10
Public transportation system, 66.061 (2)
Public work done in good faith under unlawful contract, 66.295
Roll, simplified system of description, 70.86
Sewer district tax, may be levied, 62.18
Soldiers' memorials, 45.05, 45.055
Special, benefits in condemnation, 66.63
Tax increment powers in public improvement financing, 66.46
CITY 18. Treasurer18. Treasurer
Accounts of separate funds, 62.12
Bond for tax money, 70.67
Collect forfeitures from municipal judge, 778.14
Compensation, 62.09 (9)
Deputy, appointment, 62.09 (9) (f)
  Appointment by council, 62.09 (5) (d)
Duties, 62.09 (9)
Embezzlement of forfeitures, 778.16
Fees, 62.09 (9)
Forfeitures, pay and report to county, 778.15
Immediate deposit of funds, 62.09 (9)
Metropolitan sewerage district, treasurer, 66.23
Park funds, 27.10
Powers and duties, 62.09 (9)
School district levies, duties, 62.09 (9)
Taxes, duties, 62.09 (9), (11) (j)