Boulevards, donations, 27.08
  Municipal liability, 27.12 (2)
  Police protection, 27.14
Boundaries, certificate, filing, 66.021 (8)
  Newly incorporated, certificate, filing, 66.018 (5)
  Notice of proposed change, 66.021 (3)
Bridges, interstate toll, 86.21
  Local program, 84.18
  Record of, 62.14
  Reimbursement for maintenance and operation, 86.32 (2)
Budget system,
see Budget
Building on unsewered property, 66.036
Bulkhead lines, establishment, 30.11
Business improvement districts, 66.608
Bus system, acquisition, operation, 66.065
Campgrounds, permits, 140.05 (17)
Census, 62.05 (2)
  Convention, question of holding, 66.01 (9)
  General, liberal construction, 62.04
  Limitation on change, 66.01 (8)
  Ordinance, 66.01
  Prevails over general provisions, 991.09
  Special, change to general, 62.01
  Repeal, exception, 62.02, 62.03
Cities of first class, 62.05 (1)
Civic centers, amusements, 66.49
Civil service, 66.19
Claims against,
Classes, how determined, how changed, 62.05
  Statutory references to, 990.001 (15)
Commission form,
Community action agencies, powers and duties, funding, 46.30
Community development authority, 66.4325
Community development groups, assistance from state development dept., 560.04 (2) (b)
Community living arrangements, location, 59.97 (15), 62.23 (7) (i)
Community relations-social development commissions, establishment, functions, composition, 66.433
Community response committee for economic development, 560.15
Condemnation, Ch. 32
  Assessments, 66.63
  Determination of necessity, XI, 2
  Harbor improvements, 30.30 (5), 30.31 (4)
  Public purposes, 62.22
  Excess, XI, 3a
  Riparian rights, 62.22 (3)
Consolidation, notice of litigation, 66.026
  With other municipality, 66.02
Construction site erosion control and storm water management zoning, 62.234
Cooperative enterprise, 66.30
Corporate authority vested in mayor and council, 62.09 (7)
Dangerous property, seized, disposal of, 968.20
Debt, how contracted, 62.12
  Limit, tax levy, XI, 3
  Private property not subject, 895.36
Detachment of farm lands, 62.075
Detachment procedure, 66.022
Direct legislation, petition, election, 9.20
Dog license law, 174.05 to 174.12
Donation, sale or lease of property to nonprofit corporation, 62.22 (2)
Drainage district, assessment, 88.48
  Transfer to city jurisdiction, 88.83
Economic adjustment program, 560.15
Electrical construction inspection, 101.80 to 101.88
Electric companies, authority to create, 66.073
Electricians, certification of, 101.87
Electric lines, warning signs, 196.67
Employment offices, 101.23 (2)
Equity in land, prior obligations, 62.26
Extraterritorial powers, limitation, 66.32
Family day care homes, 66.304
Farm lands, detachment, 62.075
Finances, 62.12
Firearms and ammunition, seized, disposal of, 968.20
Fire calls on public highways, reimbursement by transportation department, 62.13 (8)
Fire department, 62.13
  Division into platoons, 62.13 (11a)
  Dues from insurance, 101.575
  Joint with village, 62.13 (2) (b)
Fire fighters, pay, 213.12
  Rest day, 62.13 (11), 213.13
  Rules governing leaving city, 62.13 (10m)
First class cities, 62.05 (1)
Fiscal year, calendar year to be, 62.12
Flood control act, taxes, 87.14
Floodplain and shoreland mapping assistance program, application for grants, sunset, 87.31
Floodplain zoning, 87.30
Foreign trade zones, establishment, 182.50
Forester duties, 27.09
Forestry activities, 27.09