common carriersCOMMON CARRIERS
Attorney, employment of city attorney, 196.675
Aviation fuel transporters, registration, records, reports, 78.77, 78.78
Bills of lading, and receipts, to issue, 192.42
Certification for carrying passengers or property by water, 195.45
Drinking on regulated, 947.04
Exemption from liability, contract, 192.42
Gambling information, transmitting illegally, service to cease, 945.06
Goods left in custody, lien, sale, 171.07
Joint liability, 192.42
Liability to passengers absolute, 192.43
Lien for transportation and storage, 171.07
Motor fuel transporters, registration, records, reports, 78.77, 78.78
Nursery stock shipments, 94.10 (6)
Taxicabs not included, 194.01
Unclaimed property, notices, disposal, 171.01 to 171.07