Married persons, credit transactions with, 766.565
Maximum periods of repayment, 422.403
  Violation of law, 422.403 (5), 425.304
Motor vehicles warranties, leased vehicles, 218.015
Multiple agreements, use of, 422.414
Negotiable instruments, prohibition, usage, holder's liability, 422.406
  Violation of law as to usage, 422.406 (5), 425.304
Notice of assignment to customer, 422.409
Notice of termination of liability, 422.4155
Notice to customer on instrument, 422.303 (3)
Obligors, explanation of obligation, 422.305
  Violation as to notice to, 422.305 (5)
Open-end credit, application of payments, 422.418
  Changes in terms adverse to customer, 422.415
  Disclosure, 422.308
  Finance charge, 422.201 (10), (10m)
  Notice of termination of liability, 422.4155
  Variable rate transaction, 422.421
Payment, evidence of, 422.306
Performance, statements of, 422.410
Post-high school education loans, 422.403 (4)
Prepayment, rebate on, finance charge, 422.209
Prepay, right to, 422.208
Real property improvements, maximum periods of repayment for transactions, 422.403 (2)
Rebate on prepayment, 422.209
  Finance charge, 422.209
  Violation of law, 422.209 (7), 425.304
Receipts for payments required, 422.306
Referral transactions prohibited, 422.416
  Violation of law, 422.416 (2), 425.305
Repayment, maximum periods, 422.403
Rule of 78, calculation of rebates, 422.209 (2)
Scope of law, 422.102, 422.401
Security interests, consolidation, application of payments, 422.418
  Restrictions on, 422.417
Short title, 422.101
State agencies, loans, 422.403 (4m)
Statement of payments, charges and unpaid balance to be furnished customer, 422.306 (2)
Statement of purchases, payments, unpaid balance on open-end credit plan, 422.306 (3)
Sum of digits method, calculation of rebates, 422.209 (2)
Unequal payments prohibited, exceptions, 422.402
Use of multiple agreements, violation of law, 422.414, 425.305
Variable rate transaction, 422.421
Waivers by customer prohibited, 422.419
  Violation of law, 422.419 (2), 425.304
Warning on instrument as to unequal payments, 422.402
consumer act 5. debt collection5. Debt Collection
, Ch. 427
Collateral, induced to surrender in violation of law, rights of debtor, 427.105
Damages when person injured by violation of debt collection, 427.105
Definitions, 427.103
Prohibited practices of debt collector, 427.104
Remedies when person injured by violation of debt collection, 427.105
Scope of law, 427.102
Threats, prohibited, 427.104
Title of law, 427.101
CONSUMER ACT 5a. First Lien Real Estate5a. First Lien Real Estate Loans
, Ch. 428
Accounting as to receipts and disbursements, violations, 428.104
Applicability of chapter, 428.101
Attorney's fees, 428.103 (1) (e)
Debt collection, 428.103 (1) (c)
Definitions, 428.102
Delinquency charges, 428.103 (1) (a)
Limitations applicable to loans, violations, 428.103
Pleadings, 428.105
Receipts evidencing payment, violations, 428.104
Remedies of customer, 428.106
CONSUMER ACT 6. Insurance6. Insurance
, Ch. 424
Administration, cooperation between administrator and commissioner of insurance, 424.601
Amount of, 424.208
Cancellation by customer, 424.304, 424.401
  Credit or payment, 424.402
Charge, 424.202
  Maximum permitted creditor, 424.204
Commissioner of insurance, cooperation with administrator, 424.601
  Rules regulating law, 424.602
Commissions, limitations, 424.502
Conditions applying to insurance to be provided by creditor, 424.203
  Violation of law, 424.203 (5), 425.303
Consolidation, creditor may not receive separate charge for insurance in connection with, exceptions, 424.206
Consumer credit insurance, definition, 424.201
Credit accident and sickness, amount of, 424.208
  Filing and approval of rates and forms, 424.209
Credit life, amount of, 424.208
Credit life and disability, approval of forms, 631.24
Credit required, 424.205
Deferral, creditor may not receive separate charge for insurance in connection with, exceptions, 424.206
Definitions, application, 424.103
Forms, filing of and approval of commissioner, 424.209
Investigations, administrator and commissioner ofinsurance may pursue, 424.601