Forests, 28.10, 28.11
  Cutting, notice, file conveyance, 26.03
  Road aids, 20.395 (1) (fu), 86.315
  Seizure and sale of products unlawfully cut, 26.06 (1)
  Severance share, 28.11 (9)
  State grants for development of habitat, 23.09 (17m)
  Withdrawal and sale, 28.11 (11)
Forfeitures, outstanding unpaid, refuse to issue license or permit, 66.117
  Revenue from, 778.105
Foster homes, licensed by county dept., 48.57, 48.62
Funds, how disbursed, 59.81, 66.042
  Temporary investment, 66.04 (2)
Game birds, raising, 59.07 (24)
General relief,
  Emergency medical treatment and hospitalization, liability, 49.02 (5)
  Reports, inspection, 49.53
General relief agency:
  Administration of relief, 49.02
  Benefits, determine need, make payments, 49.032
Government, one or more systems, IV, 23
Grand jury reporter, compensation, 756.13
Guardian for county hospital patients, 59.07 (86), 880.295 (1), 880.60 (4)
Handicapped children's education board,
see subhead 3. Board
Harbor belt lines, 30.33
Harbor commissioners, board of, members, term, 30.37
Harbor improvements, authority, 30.30
  Contracts, 30.32
  Financing, 30.34, 30.35
  Procedure, 30.31
Harbor projects, cooperation with federal government, 66.45
Hazardous substances discharge, reimbursement procedures, 166.22
Health and educational facilities authority projects, waiver of construction and bidding requirements, 231.20
Health and social services department, 46.22, 48.56 to 48.59
  Adoptions, license, 48.66, 48.69, 48.70 (4)
  Regulations, 48.67 (1)
  Licenses, expiration and revocation, 48.71
  Merit system, 49.50
  Regulations, 49.50
  Rules, forms and records, 48.67
Health care, primary program, indigent, 146.93
Health care professional, 141.01
Health commission, membership, duties, powers, 141.01
Health committee, 141.01
Health department:
  County, city-county or multiple, 140.09
  Evidentiary rules, 140.10
  Home nursing care programs, establishment, fees, 141.10
  Noxious matter discharged into highway or waters, abatement, 146.13
Health dispensaries, 149.06
Health insurance for unemployed, 49.043
Health officer, 141.01, 141.015 (13m), (14), 141.02 (2m)
Highway safety coordinator, 59.07 (34m), 83.013
Historian, 59.07 (32)
Historical society, 44.03
Historic preservation, 59.97 (4) (L), (4m)
Historic preserviation program,
see subhead 9. Home
Home economics, university extension program, 59.87
Home rule, 59.025
  Metropolitan district, 59.083
Homestead programs (urban), 66.925
Hotel, agent status for permits or inspections, 50.535 (2)
  Order authority re inspection, 66.124
  Permit, 50.51
  Powers, 50.57
  Suspension or revocation of permit, 50.70
Housing, antidiscrimination ordinance, 66.432
  Veterans, 66.39
Housing authorities, 59.075
Humane officers, 58.07
  Poultry shipments, duty, 134.52
Human services board, organization, composition, appointments, terms, 46.23 (4)
  Powers and duties in certain counties, 46.23 (5)
  Powers and duties in certain counties with county executive or administrator, 46.23 (5m)
Human services dept., 46.23
  Abused or neglected children, reported to, 48.981
  Assistance to minors concerning abortion notification, 46.24
  Controlled substances abuse by mothers, 46.238
  Indigency determinations, 46.225
  Information to pregnant women, 46.245
  Interstate contracts, 51.87
  Notice re day care programs for student parents, 46.99 (5)
  Protective services for handicapped, 55.02, 55.05 (1)
  Services, purchase of, standards, 46.036
  Welfare fraud investigation pilot project, 49.197
Human services director, in certain counties with county executive or administrator, 46.23 (6m)
  Powers and duties in certain counties, 46.23 (6)
Hunter education and firearm safety program, certificate of accomplishment, 29.225, 29.226
Icebound inland waters, ordinances, 30.81 (2)