Dislocated workers, assistance for, 101.27
Employment and training programs, 101.26
Fair employment law, 111.31 to 111.37
Family leave, 103.10
Farmers, permanent closure, assistance, 101.27
Garnishment, discharge restricted, 812.235
Grooming requirement, employer to notify employe, 103.14
Honesty testing devices,
Industry, labor and human relations department to promote, 101.23 (1), (2)
Job opportunity business subsidy program, 101.35
Lunches, suitable space to eat, 101.211
Medical examination of employe or applicant, cost, 103.37
Medical leave, 103.10
Migrant labor, 103.90 to 103.97
Minors on racetracks, 562.06
Noisy, worker's compensation, 102.555
Places of, approval and inspection, 101.12
  Electrical construction inspection, 101.80 to 101.88
  Fire inspection, prevention, detection and suppression, 101.14 (4)
  Heated sidewalks prohibited, 101.124
  Ventilation requirements, 101.025
Private industry council, duties, 101.26 (3)
Public construction contracts at less than full rate, penalties, 946.15
Public, industry, labor and human relations and health and social services departments, duty, 101.40 to 101.43
Retired public employes,
Safe place, 101.01 (2), 101.11
State job coordinating council, duties, 101.26 (3)
Termination, mutual notice, 103.17
Threat or promise to influence vote, 103.18
Transit assistance program, 85.26