DDT, sale and use prohibited, 134.67
Definitions, 93.01
Development loan guarantee program, 234.907
Dislocated farmers, assistance, 101.27
Drainage districts, irrigation permit, 88.93
Drought assistance and development loan fund, 234.92
Employer, education and training programs re pesticides, 101.597 (2)
  Notice requirements re pesticides, 101.581 (2)
  Pesticide, toxic substance or infectious agent, information requirements, 101.583, 101.585, 101.586, 101.587, 101.595 (1)
Erosion control goals, state, 92.025
Farmland preservation, Ch. 91
Farmland preservation credit,
Farm mediation and farmer assistance, appropriation, 20.115 (9)
Farm products, repossession, 425.114
  Standards, receptacles, inspection, 93.09 to 93.11
Feeding stuffs, commercial, 94.72
Fertilizers; analysis, distribution, licensing, regulations, 94.64
Ginseng (cultivated), regulatory law, 94.50
Ginseng protected, 29.547
Grain transportation, length or width limitations, 348.27 (10)
Horticultural society, 94.01, 94.02
Infectious agents, employes' right to know law, 101.58 to 101.599
Livestock breeding and sanitation, Ch. 95
Livestock, tax exemption, 70.111 (17)
Managed forest land, grazing prohibited, 77.875
Manure storage tanks, taxation exemption, 70.11 (15)
Marketing and trade practices, Ch. 100
Nuisance actions against uses or practices, 823.08
  Costs, 814.04 (9)
Nursery stock, 94.10
Penalties under ch. 94, 94.77
Permanent closure, assistance, 101.27
Pesticides, 94.67 to 94.71
  Distribution and sale of certain, 94.707
  Employes' right to know law, 101.58 to 101.599
Plant additives, regulation, 94.65
Potato industry act, 100.39
Production drought assistance loan fund, 234.92
Production drought assistance loan guarantees, 234.905
Production loan guarantees, 234.90, 234.91
Promotion, 93.07 (3)
Repossession of farm products, 425.114
Rural planning, 27.015
Sales and use tax, exempt items, 77.54 (3), (3m)
Seeds, sale, regulation, 94.38 to 94.46
Soil additives, regulation, 94.65
Soil laboratory at university, 36.25 (9)
Statistics on products and resources, 69.66
Toxic substances, employes' right to know law, 101.58 to 101.599
Transportation emergency permits, 348.27 (11)
Turkeys, advertising sale, 100.183 (3)2,4,5-T and silvex, collection and disposal, 144.788
University extension program, 59.87
Vegetables, unfair trade practices in purchasing, 100.235
Veterinary practice law, Ch. 453
Weeds, destruction of, 66.96 to 66.99
Wildlife damage abatement and claim program, 29.598
Wild rice conservation, licenses, 29.544
Wisconsin products, signs near highways to promote, 86.19 (1m)