Capital reserve fund, 234.15
  General reserve fund, 234.16
  Housing rehabilitation bond redemption fund, 234.55
  Housing rehabilitation capital reserve fund, 234.54
  Housing rehabilitation loan fund, 234.53
  Housing rehabilitation loan-loss reserve fund, 234.52
  Housing rehabilitation loan program administration fund, 234.51
  Surplus fund, 234.165
  Veterans capital reserve fund, 234.42
  Veterans housing bond redemption fund, 234.43
  Veterans housing loan fund, 234.41
  Wisconsin development reserve fund, 234.93
Funds and accounts, system of, 234.24
Gifts, accept, 234.03 (2)
Grants, low and moderate income housing, 234.06
Homeless persons, assistance, 234.165 (2) (d)
Housing development fund:
  Establishment, payments into fund, 234.05
  Use of moneys, 234.06
Housing strategy plan:
  Evaluation report, 234.25 (1) (e
  Operation to be consistent with, 234.034
Income tax credit, 71.07, 71.28, 71.47
Laws not applicable to authority, 234.32
Legislative representation, 234.02
Limited profit entity, distributions, 234.07
Loan guarantee programs:
  Agricultural development, 234.907
  Agricultural production, 234.90
  Agricultural production drought assistance, 234.905
  Business development, targeted areas, 234.83
  Business improvement, 234.82
  Funding, 234.93
  Historical landmarks, 234.935
  Lake Superior whitefish, development loans, 234.907 (2)
  Recycling, 234.67
Loan programs:
  Economic development, 234.65
  Homeownership mortgage loans, 234.04, 234.59, 234.60
  Housing rehabilitation, 234.04 (2), 234.49, 234.55
  Low and moderate income housing, 234.04
  Temporary loans, 234.06
  Veterans housing, 234.40 to 234.43
Meetings, 234.02
Membership, appointment and tenure, 234.02
Minority financial interests, report, 234.85
Nonpoint source pollution abatement loan guarantees, 234.87
Powers, 234.03
Purchasing standards, 234.02 (3m)
Records, 234.265
Revenue bonding for facilities for elderly and chronically disabled, 46.28
Rules, 234.03 (20)
Small business financial assistance, 234.75 to 234.802
Sue and be sued, 234.03 (1)
Tax-exempt bonds, allocation of volume cap on, 560.032
Validation of certain obligations and proceedings, 234.44
Veterans housing:
  Bonds for, 234.40
  Information assistance, 66.92 (3)