Absent parents, community work experience program, 46.253, 767.295
Abuse and neglect prevention board,
Abused or injured children:
  Combined actions, 813.127
  Restraining orders and injunctions, 813.122
  Restraining petition, 46.03 (7) (d), 48.25 (6)
Abused or neglected children, reports, exception, 48.981
Acts of children:
  Custody hearing, parental notice, 48.21 (3m)
  Notice to victims, 48.346
  Records, disclosure, 48.396 (5)
Alcohol and drug abuse treatment for minors, consent, notification, 51.47
Artificial insemination, 891.40
Bicycle regulations, violation, responsibility, 346.77
Birth parents, access to identifying information about, 48.433
Bone marrow donation by minors, 48.14 (9), 146.34
Change in placement, 48.357
Child abuse, involuntary termination of parental rights, 48.415
Child care,
Child labor offenses, 103.82
Child needing protection or services, supervision, custody, 48.345
Child support orders, 48.355
  In certain cases, 767.295
Community work experience program orders, 767.295
Consent to marry, jurisdiction, 48.14
Counsel, parents' right to, 48.23
Court services, parents to pay for, 48.275
  Change in placement, 48.357
  Interfering with, 948.31
  Jurisdiction, 48.15
  Legal, defined, 48.02 (12)
  Notice to parent, 48.19, 48.20
  Order, 48.355
  Parents preferred, 880.09
  Release from, 48.20
  Transfer under children's code, parent's duty of support continues, 48.36
Delinquent child:
  Contributing to, 948.40
  Custody, 48.34
  Foreign, transfer to foreign countries under treaty, 48.34 (11)
  Supervision, transfer of custody, 48.34
Dispositional orders:
  Controlled substances, violations, forfeitures, 48.34 (4s)
  Revision of, 48.363
Employment of minor in street trades, penalty for violation, 103.31
Family support program for disabled, 46.985
Father's rights, 48.025, 48.40 to 48.435
Fetal monitor tracings, preservation of, 146.817
Firearms, use by minor, parental obligation, 29.227 (4)
Fireworks, damage, parent's liability, 167.10 (7)
Foster parents, agencies and family-operated group home parents, civil liability exemption, 895.485
Hearing, revocation of supervised status, 48.357
Immunization program, 140.05 (16)
Infant blindness, prevention, 146.01 (2)
Infant testing for congenital disorders, 146.02
Involuntary removal of child, hearing, 48.305
Legal services, parents' contribution, 48.275 (2)
Liability for maintenance of relatives in public institutions, 46.10
Liability of parent for acts of minor child, 895.035
Marital children, determination of, 767.60
Motor vehicles:
  Child safety restraint systems required, 347.48 (4)
  Purchase by minor, 218.01 (7b)
  Registration by minor, 341.08 (6)
Natural father, action to identify, limitation, 893.88
  Of child, 948.21
  Of minor, wages, 48.987
Nonmarital children, marital issue, when, 765.24
Notice, 48.27
  Change in placement, 48.357
  Child taken into custody, 48.19 (2)
  Revision of dispositional order, 48.363
Outpatient mental health treatment for minors, 51.14
Parent defined in children's code, 48.02 (13)
Parent preferred in guardianship, 880.09
Parents notified of appointment of guardian, 880.08
Posthumous child,
Presumption as to marital or nonmarital, 891.39
Presumption as to time of conception, 891.395
Presumption of paternity, 767.45 (5m), 891.41
Protective behaviors programs, 115.368
Release of child from custody, 48.20
Removal of child without consent, hearing, 48.305