
1. General Provisions
1a. Actions By and Against
2. Aid
3. Capitol
3a. Claims Against
4. Contracts
4a. Councils
5. Forests
6. Funds
7. Insurance
8. Loans
9. Officers and Employes
10. Parks
11. Printing
12. Public Debt
13. Records

state - 1. general provisions1. General Provisions
Adverse possession against, 893.29
Advertising, 93.07 (3), (7), (17)
see Departments, under this subhead
Aircraft, insurance, 20.915 (2)
American-made materials, preference for in purchases, exemption, 16.754
Assessment of property, when made, recorded, 70.575
Auditing state accounts, IV, 33
Authority accounting, information, aid, 16.41
Boundaries, II, 1
Building commission,
Building corporation, nonprofit, 13.482
Building program:
  Development dept. power to enter lease agreements with nonstock, nonprofit corporations, 560.05
  Long-range, 13.48
  Parking structure funding, Milwaukee county, 13.485
  Veterans' affairs department may enter lease agreements with nonstock, nonprofit corporations, 45.38
Building projects, limitation, 13.484
  Blind, business in, 47.03 (4) to (7)
  Bond by contractors, 779.14
  Concessions, 16.84 (8)
  Exemption from municipal codes, 13.48 (13)
  Fine arts in, 44.57
  Ingress, egress and access requirements for disabled, 101.13 (2), (3), (4)
  Maintenance and security, 16.84
  Safety requirements for disabled, 101.13 (1m)
  Space allocation and needs, 16.84
  Surplus, administration dept. may obtain and transfer, 16.375
  Trust fund, 25.30
  Use, 16.845
Child support and paternity establishment program, certification of delinquent payments to dept., 46.255 (6)
Circuit court, pay operating costs, 753.19
Coat of arms, 1.07
Computer services, agencies to purchase from administration dept., 16.78
Condemnation, Ch. 32
  Emergency, 32.21
  Purposes, excess, XI, 3a
  Title of property, 32.17
Congressional districts, Ch. 3
Conservation easements, uniform act, 700.40
Construction site erosion control and storm water management, state plan, 144.266
Continuity of government in case of enemy action, IV, 34
Cooperation between departments, 20.901
Cooperation with other units of government, 66.30
Credit not loaned, VIII, 3
Data processing:
  Administration department, powers and duties, 16.971
  Legislative, 13.92 (1) (d)
  Acceptance of gifts, 20.907
  Accounting reports, 16.41, 16.42
  Administrative proceeding, contempt, 785.06
  Aircraft, purchase, 20.915
  Appointing power, 20.922 (1)
  Audits by and reports to legislative audit bureau, 13.94
  Biennial or annual reports, 15.04, 35.26
  Budget schedule and summary, 20.005
  Charges for printed material, 20.908
  Condemnation, Ch. 32
  Contingent funds, establish, 20.920
  Conveyances to transportation dept., 84.09 (6)
  Cooperation, 20.901
  Aging, supply data, 46.80 (2)
  Inland lake protection and rehabilitation, 33.03
  Legislature as to employes, 13.21
  Natural resources department, 23.09 (3)
  Costs to certain prevailing parties, 814.245
  Deputies, 15.04 (2), (3)
  Documents to historical society, 44.06
  Employe disclosure, 230.80 to 230.89
  Employment of aid recipients, 230.147
  Energy conservation, 1.12
  Farmland preservation, interdepartmental cooperation, 91.03
  Federal aid disallowances, 16.544
  Federal aid programs, review, 13.095
  Financial information to administration department, 16.41 (3)
  Forms management, 15.04 (1) (i) to (m)
  Improper invoices, 16.53 (2)
  Interest on late state order and contract payments, 16.528
  Issuance of drafts or warrants, 20.929
  Lands, easements, annexation, 24.40
  Lobbying by state agencies, 13.695
  Motor vehicles, 20.915
  National forest lands, allocation of federal payments in lieu of taxes, 16.54 (11)