Frauds, specific prohibitions, 78.73
Garnishment, to collect tax, 78.70 (3)
Holiday, filing date extended, 78.67
Importation in vehicle tanks, rules, penalties, 341.45
Industrial, exemption, 78.01 (3)
Inspection powers of revenue department, 78.80
Inventory of fuels, monthly, 78.66
Investigation of applicant, hearing, 78.10, 78.48
Manufacturing defined, 78.06
Mobile machinery and equipment defined, 78.03 (2), 78.42
Motor fuel defined, 78.04
Motor fuel received, defined, 78.07
Motor vehicle defined, 78.03, 78.42
Municipalities not to levy tax, 78.82
Notice of hearing, suspension of license, 78.65
  Personal liability for, 78.70 (6)
  To public depository or revenue department, 78.12 (4)
Penalties, 78.68
  Criminal, 78.73
  Cumulative, 78.74
Permissive licensing, 78.09
Preferred claim, 78.71
Public depository, 78.84
Purchaser to pay tax, 78.01
see Tax rate, under this subhead
Received, definitions, 78.07
Reciprocal agreements by department, 341.45
Records, all licensees, 78.66
  Fuel destroyed, 78.19
  Fuel not used on highway, 78.75
  To retailers, 78.20
Registration of transporters, 78.77
Remedies cumulative, 78.74
Reports, 78.12
  Confidential, 78.80 (3)
Revenue department, enforcement, rules, 78.79
Revocation of license, 78.65
Rules, department to make, 78.79
Special fuel:
  Application for license, 78.48
  Bond, 78.48
  Computation of tax, 78.49
  Dealer defined, 78.45
  Dealer's license, 78.47
  Defined, 78.43
  Notice of cessation of business, 78.50
  Presumption of purpose, 78.53
  Reports, payment, 78.49
  Separate tanks, 78.52
  Tax imposed, 78.40
  Theft, 78.51
  Use defined, 78.44
  User defined, 78.46
Statute of limitations, 78.70 (7)
Suspension of license, 78.65
Tax imposed, collected, 78.01, 78.40
Tax rate, annual adjustment, 78.015, 78.40, 78.405
Transporters, registration, records, reports, 78.77, 78.78
Visitorial powers of department, 78.80
  Application for license, 78.10
  Bond, 78.11
  Collect tax, 78.14
  Computation of tax, 78.12 (4)
  Defined, 78.08
  License, 78.09, 78.10
  Notice of cessation of business, 78.13
  Out-of-state, license, 78.09
  Reports to department, 78.12
  Tax paid is public money, 78.14
  Theft of tax moneys, 78.15
taxation - 15. occupational taxes15. Occupational Taxes
Authorized, VIII, 1
Bingo, gross receipts tax, 563.80
Coal docks, 70.42
Drug dealers, 139.88
Grain storage, 70.41
Intoxicating liquor, 139.03
Iron ore concentrate dock, 70.40
Malt beverages, 139.02
Mink farms, owners, 70.425
Petroleum, assessment and collections, 70.421
Tobacco products, 139.76
taxation - 16. property tax collection16. Property Tax Collection and Settlement
Adjustment due to error or excessive assessment, 74.33 to 74.42
Adverse possession, 75.144
  Defined, 75.31