Panama, service in, 45.34
Papers, medals as security, 45.48
Retirement system credits, 45.50 (2)
School districts, farm training, 120.13 (4)
Soldiers and sailors relief act, 45.53
Tax obligations, suspension, 45.53
Training programs, approval by educational approval board, 38.51 (6)
Wisconsin veterans home,
veterans - 2. department of veterans2. Department of Veterans Affairs
Appropriations, 20.485, 20.866 (2) (zm), (zn)
  Definition, 45.35 (2)
  General provisions, 15.07
  Membership, terms, 15.49
  Powers, duties, 45.35
Buildings and facilities, powers to provide, 45.38
Camp Randall memorial park, 45.35 (3m)
Creation, 15.49
Disclosure of information, 45.36
Economic assistance,
  Business aid to veterans, 45.351
  Educational aid:
  Course cost reimbursement, 45.396
  Retraining grants, 45.397
  Vietnam and post-Vietnam era veterans educational grant program, 15.09, 45.28, 45.85
  Vocational school training aids, 38.30
  Garnishment and execution, exemption, 45.35 (8) (b)
  Grants, 45.351
  Loans, 45.351
  Application requirements and penalties, 45.35 (17)
  Deferral of payments and interest, 45.35 (16)
  Minors, 45.35 (8) (a)
  Partial exclusion from consumer act, 421.203
Gifts, receipt, appropriation, 45.35 (13)
Older veterans services, 45.352
Powers, duties, organization, 45.35
Records, release, 45.36
  Appointment, 15.05 (1) (b)
  Executive assistant, 15.05 (3), (5)
  Oath, 15.05 (4)
  Salary, 20.923 (4)
  Selection, 15.05 (1) (b)
Veterans' organizations, grants to, 45.353, 45.354
Veterans programs council:
  Advise, report, 45.35 (3d)
  Membership, terms, 15.497 (2)
Veterans' trust fund, 25.36, 45.35 (12)
Wisconsin veterans home:
  Applicability of bed limits under ch. 150, 150.46
  Appropriation, 20.485
  Buildings, tax exemption, 70.11 (3a)
  Commandant as guardian of members, 880.60 (4)
  Management and operation, 45.365
  Member personal funds, 45.37 (9c)
  Trust fund for, 25.37
  Membership, eligibility, rights and obligations, 45.37
Biennial study of fiscal needs, 45.355
County authorities, 66.39
  Borrowing, exemption from ch. 67, 67.015
Homeless veterans assistance, 45.55
Loan program:
Generally 45.70 to 45.85

  Agent orange litigation payment, disregard of, 45.85
  Bond redemption fund, 234.43
  Bonds for, 234.40
  Capital reserve fund, 234.42
  Cost of housing limited, 45.74 (5)
  Credit unions may service loans, 186.113 (14)
  Definitions, 45.71
  Disabled veterans:
  Limitation on remodeling or alteration, 45.79 (8)
  Qualifying factors, 45.745
  Eligible persons, 45.74
  Eligible uses for proceeds, 45.76
  Foreclosure of mortgages, notice of sale, 846.16 (1)
  Garnishment and execution, exemption, 45.35 (8) (b)
  General obligation bonds, authorizing, 18.04
  Guaranteed loans, 45.79 (10)
  Interest on veterans general bond obligations, 20.867 (4) (r)
  Loan fund, establishment and use, 234.41
  Minors, contracts with, 45.35 (8) (a)
  Mortgage loan program, 45.79
  Powers of department, 45.72
  Purpose, 45.70
  Repayment, manner of, 45.78
  Veterans affairs department duties, 45.73