Abuse of children:
  Involuntary termination of parental rights, 48.415
  Restraining petitions, 48.25 (6)
Abused or neglected children, 48.01 (1) (e), 48.33 (1) (b), 48.355 (1), 48.981
  Guardian ad litem, 48.23 (3m)
  Persons required to report, 48.981 (2)
  Reports, exception, 48.981
Acts of children:
  Custody hearing, parental notice, 48.21 (3m)
  Duty of intake worker, 48.243 (1m)
  Notice to victims, 48.346
  Records, disclosure, 48.396 (5)
  Victims and witnesses, rights, 48.01 (1) (h)
Advisory board, 48.11
Aftercare, release, 48.357 (4m)
  Revocation, 48.357
Agency, reports to court, disposition, 48.33
Alcohol, law violation, jurisdiction, 48.17
Alcohol and drug abuse:
  Assessment, 48.295
  Civil law or ordinance violations, disposition, 48.343 (10)
  Consent decree, 48.32
  Dispositional orders, 48.34 (4s), 48.344, 48.355 (2), (7)
  Drivers license suspension, 48.34 (4s), 48.344, 343.30 (6)
  Fact-finding hearing, 48.31 (4)
  Identification card falsification, 125.085 (3)
  Impairment, jurisdiction, 48.13 (11m)
  Informal disposition, 48.245
  Juvenile pilot program, 48.547
  Payment for services, 48.361
  Records of peace officers:
  Disclosure to schools, 48.396 (1m)
  Use by schools, 118.127
  Treatment or education, 48.34 (4s), (12)
Alcoholic or drug dependent, 48.135
  Taking into custody, 48.19, 48.20 (5)
All-terrain vehicles, violations, 48.343 (9)
Appeals, 809.30
  Time, to court of appeals, 808.04
Appellate procedure, 809.40
Assignment, 48.03
Authorization, by court for medical services, 48.373
Bail, when waiver granted, 48.18 (8)
Birth certificates in adoptions, 48.94
Birth parents:
  Disposition on termination of rights, 48.427 (6)
  Hearing on petition for termination of rights, 48.422 (9)
  Medical record of child to court on termination rights, 48.425 (1) (am), (2)
Bone marrow donation, jurisdiction, 48.14 (9)
Capias, issuance, 48.28
Child born out of wedlock,
Child care agencies:
  Licenses, provisions of, 48.70
  Rules, forms and records, 48.67
Child needing protection or services:
  Amendment of petition, 48.263
  Contributing to condition as, 48.44, 48.45
  Counsel appointed, 48.23
  Custody hearing, 48.21
  Definition, 48.13
  Disposition, 48.345
  Dispositional hearing, 48.335
  Dispositional orders, 48.355
  Exclude child from hearing, 48.299
  Hearing on petition, 48.31
  Jurisdiction, 48.13
  Milwaukee county children's home, 48.58
  Petition, 48.25
  Standard of evidence, 48.243
Child victims and witnesses, 48.31 (2)
Child violating civil law or ordinance:
  Disposition, 48.343
  Dispositional hearing, 48.335
  Petition, 48.25
  Proceedings initiated by citation, 48.237
  Standard of evidence, 48.243
Child welfare agencies,
Children's court center, Milwaukee county, 48.06 (1)
Cigarettes and tobacco products, use prohibited, 48.983
  Confers jurisdiction, 48.25 (5)
  Defective, 48.297 (5)
  Issuance barred, 48.245
  Issued, law violation, 48.17
  Jury trial, when requested, 48.30
  Not basis for informal disposition, 48.24 (7)
  Plea hearing, 48.30
  Proceedings initiated by, 48.237