Compulsory reference, fees, 814.131
Conciliators, 807.09
Conference with counsel regarding instructions and verdict, 805.13 (3)
Conservators, appointment, 880.31
Consolidation of municipalities, 66.02
Continuances, 753.22
Controlled substances forfeiture proceedings, jurisdiction, 161.555 (1)
Controlled substances violations, 753.061 (2)
Conveyance proved on refusal of grantor to acknowledge, 889.241 to 889.244
Cooperatives, dissolution proceedings, 185.72 to 185.76
Corporation, nonstock, liquidation, 181.57 to 181.62
Correct description in conveyance, 847.07
County hospital patient or home resident, guardianship, 880.295
Criminal defendant, denial of release from custody, 969.035 (2)
Dane county:
  Enforcement of radiation protection act, 140.58 (4)
  Injunction against hospital, 50.39
  Public utility assessments, 76.08, 76.13 (3)
  Review of administrative rules, 227.40
Death certificates, petition, court-ordered, 69.19
Delinquent banks:
  Assets, 220.08 (20a)
  Authorize conveyances, 220.08 (4)
  Liquidation account, 220.08 (2a)
Detachment of farm lands from city, 62.075
Electors, compliance review as to officials, appeal, 5.06
Enlargement of time, service upon family court commissioner, 767.145
Examination of witnesses, 805.10
Extraordinary remedies, commencement, 801.02 (5)
Family, actions affecting, jurisdiction, 767.01
Fertilizer and pesticide storage, violations, 94.645 (4)
Files, borrowing, 807.08
Findings and conclusions, 805.17
Fine or imprisonment in mandamus, 783.07
Flammable and combustible liquids, storage, violations, 101.09 (4)
Forfeiture action:
  Appeal, 66.12 (2)
  To be in circuit court, exceptions, 778.015
Future estates, disposition of, 786.26 to 786.35
Grand jury,
Guardian ad litem for minors and incompetents, 803.01 (3)
Harbor improvements, action to require performance, 30.30 (3)
Health services regulation, actions to restrain or enjoin, 150.05
Highway salt storage, violations, 85.17 (5)
Holidays, holding court on, 757.15
Incompetent, petition, notice for appointment of guardian, 880.07, 880.08
Incorporation of cities and villages:
  Function of court, 66.014 (8)
  Order for referendum, 66.018 (1)
  Review of action, 66.017
  Standards of court, 66.015
Indigents, reports on recoupment and repayment, 977.10
Injunction against child welfare agency, foster home, group home or day care center, 48.77
Inmates' maintenance, 46.10 (5)
  Procedure, 979.05
  When called, 979.04
  Witnesses, 979.06
Inspection of medical documents, 804.10
Instructions to jury, 805.13
Judicial circuits, branch numbers, judges, 753.061 (1)
  Territory, 753.06
Judicial power, VII, 2
Jurisdiction, VII, 8; 753.03
  Adoption of adults, 882.03
  Creditors' actions, 128.01
  Employment relations commission proceedings, 111.07
  Guardianship matters, 880.02
see Jury
Jury commissioners, appointment, 756.03
Lands held in trust by incompetent, order conveyance, 786.01
Lands of wards, sale, mortgage or lease, 786.06 to 786.25
Limited partnership:
  Certificate, execution by court order, 179.15
  Judicial dissolution, 179.72
  Winding up affairs on dissolution, 179.73
Liquidation of insurers, 645.41
Lis pendens, 840.10
Marriage documents, petition, registration, 69.16
Menominee and Shawano counties, 753.34
  Children's code proceedings, expenditures prorated, 48.035
Menominees, court's power to transfer guardianship assets to trust, 880.195
Misdemeanor appeals, 974.01 (1)
Mortgage, discharge of, 847.09