Joint city-county projects, 66.505, 66.51
Joint county-city safety building, 66.508
Moving through streets, permit, 62.14
Permits and inspections, 62.23 (9)
Razing, 66.05
Regulation, 62.23 (7) to (9)
Revenue bonds, 66.51
Safety requirements for disabled, 101.13
University centers, bonds to construct, 66.51
city - 4a. claims against4a. Claims Against
Change to general charter, 62.01
Comptroller to examine, 62.09 (10)
Milwaukee, school board, 119.68
Motor vehicle accidents, negligence, 345.05
Presented, how, 62.12 (8)
Tort actions, notice, limitation of damages, 893.80
Uniform procedure, 62.25 (1), 893.80
Books of municipal judge, delivery, demand, duty, 755.12 to 755.14
Boundaries of city, certify, 62.02
Cancellation book for orders, 66.081
Debt statement to secretary of state, 69.68
Deputy, appointment, pay, 62.09 (11)
Dogs, list of, 174.06
  Ballots, errors, correcting, 5.72
  Notices, 10.01 (2)
  September primary and election dates, 10.76
  Special primary and election dates, 10.82 (3)
  Spring primary and election dates, 10.66
  Supervision, duties, 7.15
False certificate as to bounty, 66.37 (5)
Fiscal report, 62.09 (11)
Issue certificate of appointment, 62.09 (4) (c)
Notice of litigation, annexation, detachment contested, 66.026
Notice of opportunity to examine tax roll, 70.45
Oath, power to administer, 62.09 (11)
Park funds, 27.10
Powers and duties, 62.09 (11)
Rabies quarantine, post notices, 95.21
Sales tax, require proof of seller's permit to issue license, 77.61 (11)
Statement of valuation, taxes, special assessments, debt, 69.60
Street trade permits, 62.09 (11) (k)
Tax roll:
  Correction, 70.73
  Examination and correction, 70.52
  To make, form, 70.65
Tax statement:
  Failure to return, 69.67
  To file with department of revenue, 69.61
  To revenue dept., 70.53
city - 5a. commission form5a. Commission Form
Generally Ch. 64

Abandonment and organization under other form, 64.37, 64.39
Amendments of statute, construction, 64.38
Appropriations, 64.35
Assessor, term, salary, 64.30
Boards and commissions, powers, 64.36
Cities applicable to, 64.25
Clerk, term, salary, 64.30
  Financial statement, publication, annual examination, 64.34
  Term, salary, 64.30
Corporation counsel, term, salary, 64.30
  Appoint officers, fix terms and salary, 64.30
  City second class, 64.39
  Create departments for city affairs, 64.30
  Increase of membership, 64.39, 64.40
  Powers and duties, president, 64.29
Election of officers, terms, eligibility, 64.28
Elections, 8.13
Existing laws in force, not affected by change, 64.27 (1)
How adopted, 64.25
Mayor, not to have veto power, 64.29
Meetings of council, 64.33
Offices, council may create or abolish, 64.32
Ordinances not affected by change to, 64.27
Removal of officers, 17.12 (2)
Reorganization after abandonment of commission form, 64.37
Salaries for mayor and council members, 64.31
Second class, appointment of officers, salary, terms, 64.39
Superintendent of streets, term, salary, 64.30
Terms of officers in city adopting commission form, when to terminate, 64.26
Treasurer, salary, term, 64.30
Vacancies, filling, 17.23 (2)
Vested rights not affected by change to, 64.27
city - 6. common council6. Common Council
Accounts of officers, to examine, 62.12 (3)
Aldermen, 62.09 (1)