  By notice, 404.210
  Documentary drafts, 404.501 to 404.504
  Methods of, 404.204
  Warranties on, 404.207
Process of posting, 404.109
Provisional settlement, time of becoming final, 404.213
Receipt of items, time of, 404.107
Referee, instructions from upon dishonor of documentary draft, 404.503
Refunds, 404.212
Remittance, means of, 404.211
Return of item, recovery of payment by, 404.301
Revocation of credit, 404.301 (2)
Seasonable action, 404.202 (2)
Secondary parties, liability of, 404.210 (2)
Security interest of collecting bank, 404.208
  Holder in due course, 404.209
Security interest of presenting bank, 404.504
Setoff, time items subject to, 404.303
Settlement of item, 404.211
Short title, 404.101
Statement, customer's duty to examine, 404.406
Stop payment order:
  Customer's right to make, 404.403
  Time when item subject to, 404.303 (1)
Subrogation, right of payor bank on improper payment, 404.407
Suspension of payment, 404.214
Time, receipt of items, 404.107
Transfer between banks, 404.206
Unauthorized signatures, duty of customer, 404.406
Warranties on presentment or transfer of items, 404.207
Withdrawal, right of customer, 404.213 (4)
commercial code - 3. bulk transfers3. Bulk Transfers
Generally Ch. 406

Alcohol beverages, 406.102 (3m)
Applicability of chapter, 406.102
Auction sales, 406.108
  Notice to, 406.105, 406.107
  Who protected, 406.109
Defective title, subsequent transfers, 406.110
Defined, 406.102
Enterprises subject to chapter, 406.102 (3)
Equipment, transfer of, 406.102 (2)
Goods, 406.102 (4)
Levies, limitation of, 406.111
List of creditors, 406.104
Notice to creditors, 406.105, 406.107
Protection of creditors, 406.109
Purchaser for value in good faith, 406.110
Schedule of property, 406.104
Secured transactions:
  Application of chapter to, 409.111
  Priorities of transferee in bulk, 409.301
Short title, 406.101
Statute of limitation, 406.111
Subsequent transfers, 406.110
Transfers excepted from chapter, 406.103
commercial code - 4. commercial paper4. Commercial Paper
Generally Ch. 403

  Notice to purchaser, instrument overdue, 403.304 (3) (b)
  Payment of instrument, 403.109
  Presentment as affected by, 403.503 (1) (d)
  Date, adding, 403.410 (3)
  Defined, 403.410
  Finality of, 403.418
  Liability of drawee, 403.409
  Operation of, 403.410
  Set of parts, drafts in, 403.801
  Varying draft, 403.412
  Warranties on presentment and transfer, 403.417
Acceptor, contract of, 403.413
Accommodation parties:
  Contract of, 403.415
  Notice of claim or defense, 403.304 (4)
Accounts, unconditional nature of promise or order as affected by reference to particular account, 403.105 (1) (f)
  Accrual of cause, 403.122
  Holder, right of action, 403.301
  Indorsement, suit to compel, 403.201 (3)
  Lost, destroyed or stolen instruments, 403.804
  Third party, notice of litigation to, 403.803
  Underlying obligation, dishonor of paper as giving right of action on, 403.802 (1) (b)
Admission of payee's existence and capacity to indorse, 403.413 (3)
  Description of payee as agent, 403.117
  Signatures by, 403.403
  Warranty by, 403.417 (4)
Alterations, 403.407