Social services to American Indians, 46.70
Soil and water resources protection, 66.33 (5)
Soil conservation, 59.07 (137)
Soil erosion control goals, state, 92.025 (2)
Solar access permits, 66.032
Solar energy flow, may require easements in platting land, 236.13 (2) (d)
Solar energy systems:
  Control of vegetation blocking, 66.033
  Regulation, 66.031
Soldiers' graves, care, 45.185
Solid waste flow control, recycling or resource recovery facilities, 159.13
Solid waste management, acquisition of recycling or resource recovery facilities without bids, 59.07 (134)
Spearfishing, law enforcement aid program, 29.599
Special assessments, county property subject to, 66.64
Special inspection warrants, for inspection of real or personal property, 66.122, 66.123
Subdivision control, 236.45
Tax-deeded lands:
  Sale, notice, proceeds, 75.35
  Zoning purposes, exchange, 59.97 (8)
Tax delinquent lands, sale, notice, 75.69
Tax equalization, assessment of counties, 70.57
Telecommunication terminal for law enforcement, 59.245
Temporary loan, 67.12 (1)
Timber sales, 28.11 (6)
Tourist rooming houses:
  Agent status for permits or inspections, 50.535 (2)
  Order authority re inspection, 66.124
  Permit, 50.51
  Powers, 50.57
  Suspension or revocation of permit, 50.70
Town, when considered such, 60.09 (1)
Traffic patrol officers, appointment, bond, duties, 83.016
Traffic regulation, 349.03, 349.06
Traffic safety commissions, 83.013
Trailer camps, regulation, 59.97 (4)
Transit, public, 59.968
Transit commission, establishment, 59.967
Transportation, regional authority, 59.966
Transportation assistance program for elderly and handicapped, 85.21
Tuberculosis sanatorium,
Tuition fees, when liable, 121.80
University extension program, 59.87
Urban green space, aids for acquisition of, 23.09 (19)
Urban homestead programs, 66.925
Urban rail line relocations, may apply for study, 85.065
Utility district, solid waste flow control, recycling or resource recovery facilities, 159.13
Vending operations:
  Agent status for permits or inspections, 50.535 (1)
  Permit, 50.51
  Powers, 50.57
  Suspension or revocation of permit, 50.70
Veterans' housing, 66.92
Veterans' housing authority, 66.39
Veterans' service commission, 45.11 to 45.15
Veterans' service officer, 45.13, 45.43
  Duties as to veterans' burial, 45.16
  Grants to counties for office of, 45.43 (7)
  Powers and duties, 45.11 (2). 45.14 (3)
Victims of crime, services for, 950.05
Water resource projects, cooperation with federal government, 66.45
Water safety patrols, state aid, 30.79
Weed commissioner, 66.99
Welfare officials, action by to require support for spouse or children receiving public aid, 767.08
Welfare services, 46.22
  Purchase of, standards, 46.036
  Uniform fee schedule, 46.03 (18)
Wells, code ordinances, optional, 59.067, 162.07
Wharves and piers, removal extending beyond pierhead line, 30.13 (5), 66.0495, 893.765
Wildlife damage abatement and claim program, 29.598
Wisconsin development fund, 560.60 to 560.685
Withdrawal from local treasury, 66.042
Witness monuments, 59.635 (1)
Witnesses and victims, services, 20.455 (5)
Witnesses of crime, services for, 950.05
Work experience and job training program, for aid recipients, 49.50 (7j)
Work relief programs, enhanced, 49.057
Worker's compensation, assumption of liability, 83.17
Youth aids from state, 46.26
Zoning, 59.97
  Agricultural ordinances, 91.71 to 91.78
  Airport areas, 59.97 (4g)
  Appeals, fees, 59.07 (68)
  Around airports, 114.136
  Building inspector to enforce, 59.07 (16)
  Hearings, filing fees, 59.07 (16m)
  Optional procedure, 59.97 (6)
  Planning and zoning committee or commission, 59.97 (2)
  Shorelands on navigable waters, 59.971
  Trenton island in Pierce county, 59.972