Day care employment pilot, 46.983
Day care providers:
  Certification of, 48.651
  Department to provide information, 48.653
Definition, 48.65
Elementary schools, 120.125
Expiration and revocation of license, 48.71
Family day care homes, 66.304
Immunization program for pupils, 140.05 (16)
Immunization requirements, 46.16 (2m), 48.735
Injunction against law violations, 48.77
Inspection and investigation by health and social services department, 48.73, 48.74
  Expiration and revocation, 48.71
  Fees, 48.65
  Provisional, 48.69
  Regulation, 48.65 to 48.77
  Sanctions and forfeitures, 48.715
Milwaukee early childhood education, 119.72
Parental access, 48.655
Parental right to know, 48.656
Penalties for law violations, 48.76
Permits from health and social services department, 46.16
Provisional license, 48.69
Rates, 46.037
Records, confidential, exception, 48.78
Rules, forms, records, 48.67
State employes, 16.85 (1)
University of Wis. centers, 36.25 (26)
Violation, investigation, 48.74