Duties, 978.05
  Disposition of intrastate detainers, 971.11
Election, 978.01
  Term, 59.12
  Term, removal, VI, 4
Election laws, action to compel compliance, 5.07
Elector, petition for enforcement of election laws, 5.08
Eligibility for office, 978.02
Employment relations law, duties, 111.12
Endurance contests, abatement, 175.15
Extradition, application for, 976.03 (23)
False information to, penalty, 946.65
Forest trespass and fires, prosecution, 26.18
Forfeiture action, prosecute for town, 778.12
Forfeiture under chs. 30 and 31, prosecute, 30.03
Franchise investment law, commence action for injunction, 553.54
Gambling devices, transporting, action for forfeiture of vehicle or aircraft, 945.05 (3)
Gambling law enforcement, 945.041
Grand jury:
  Attend when, 756.15
  Oath to witnesses before, 756.14
Habeas corpus, 781.04 (2), 782.27
Habitual traffic offender:
  Represent secretary, 351.04
  Secretary to certify copy of conviction record to, 351.03
Highway labor laws, duties, 103.50 (8)
Immunization program, enforcement, 140.05 (16)
Indigents, reports on recoupment and repayment, 977.10
Industry, labor and human relations department:
  May ask aid, 101.02 (5)
  Orders, enforcement, 101.02 (13)
Information, filing, 971.01
Injunction against child care violations, 48.77
  Jury instructions, 979.08
  Procedure, 979.05
  When called, 979.04
  Witnesses, 979.06
Insurance law, enforcement, 601.12 (2)
Interstate detainers, 976.05, 976.06
Intrastate detainers, disposition duties, 971.11
Investigators, police powers, 978.047
John Doe proceeding, 968.26
Juvenile dispositional order:
  Extension, 48.365
  Petition for revision, 48.363
Law practice, not to engage in, exception, 19.45 (9)
Lead poisoning, 151.13
Lottery prizes, recovery action, 945.10
Mail-order sales, enforcement of regulations, 134.83 (5)
Marriage license, may oppose, 765.11
Medical assistance program, prosecution of violators, 49.495
Milwaukee county:
  Institution inmates' maintenance, 46.10 (12)
  Retirement system participation, 40.02 (25) (a)
Motion picture contracts, unlawful, prosecution, 134.45
Motor fuel tax, law enforcement, 78.81
Motor vehicle laws and orders, enforcement, 110.07
Motor vehicle rustproofing warranties, enforcement, 100.205 (7), (8)
Motor vehicles, dealers, salespersons, finance companies, commencement of action, 218.01 (8m)
Natural resources board members, wardens, defend, 29.05 (10)
Natural resources forfeiture actions, issuance of summons and complaint, 23.65
  Of discharge of criminally committed patient, 51.37
  Of habeas corpus, 782.27
  Of taxing referee bill, 814.131
Number, 978.01
Oath of office, 19.10
  Where filed, 19.01 (4) (bn)
Oil inspection law, action to enforce, 168.17
Open meetings law, enforcement, 19.97
Operational expenses, 978.13
Optometry law, enforcement, 449.03
  Application, notice of, 304.09
  Procedure, 304.08 to 304.12
Park laws, prosecute violations, 27.01 (13)
Partner, restricted as to practice, 757.22
Pen register or trap and trace device, 968.35, 968.36
Personal property tax, prosecute evasion, 70.36
Plea of guilty, offenses in several counties, 971.09
Price discrimination to destroy competition, actions for civil forfeiture, 133.04 (3)
Prison-made goods, enforce law, 132.13
Public interests in children's code proceedings, represented by, 48.09
Public records:
  Forfeitures, enforcement, 19.37 (4)
  Mandamus action to order release, 19.37 (1)
Public utility law, enforcement, 196.44 (2)
Raffle laws, 563.99 (2)