  Records as to taxation, 891.11
  Surveyor's records, 59.64
  Tax title, 992.08
Court appointed experts, compensation, 907.06
Court records, and copies, 889.07
Credit union books, copies, 891.24
Credit union records, reproductions, 220.285
Crime laboratory:
  Possession, disposal, 165.81
  Privilege, 165.79
Criminal cases:
  Civil rules applicable, 972.11
  Release prior to final determination, 972.11 (4)
Criminal damage, 943.01 (4)
Cross-examination, scope, 906.11
Dead man's statute, 885.16, 885.17
Death, absence as, 813.22 to 813.34
Declarant, attacking and supporting credibility, 908.06
Defamation, 942.01
Disorderly houses, nuisance actions, 823.11
Divorce, impounding, 767.19 (1)
Doctors, patient privilege, exceptions, 905.04
Doctor's records, 891.09
Documents and records, Ch. 889
Documents, destruction, penalty, 946.60
Duplicates, admissibility of, 910.03
  At unlawful times, 103.03
  Of minor, 103.80
Employment relations commission proceedings, 111.07
Erroneous ruling, effect of, 901.03 (1)
Excited utterance, hearsay exception, 908.03 (2)
Exclusion of witnesses, 906.15
Execution of official bond, 891.35
Expert testimony, Ch. 907
Extradition of witnesses:
Family records, hearsay exception, 908.03 (13)
Felony, concealing or falsifying, 946.47
Fire fighter, employment connected disease, 891.45
Foreign court records, 889.15, 889.16
Foreign laws, 889.02, 889.03
  How proved, 889.06
Foreign will, certificate of assignment, 868.05
Forest county, records, 2.06
Gambling device, possession, 945.05 (2)
Gambling place, 945.01 (4)
General relief records of municipality prima facie, 49.08
Ginseng law violations, 29.547
Government employer retaliation on employe disclosure, prohibition, 895.65 (3)
Grand juror not to disclose, 756.20
Grand jury testimony, when disclosed, 756.21
Guilty plea, later withdrawn, admissibility, 904.10
Habit, relevancy, 904.06
Habitual traffic offenders, conviction records, 351.03
Harmless error, 805.18 (2)
Health care provider records:
  Hearsay exception, 908.03 (6m)
  Self-authentication, 909.02 (11)
Hearing examiners, not bound by rules, 227.45
Hearings out of presence of jury, 901.04 (3)
Hearsay, Ch. 908
  Admissibility, 908.02
  Defined, 908.01 (3)
  Exceptions, 908.03
  Declarant unavailable, 908.04, 908.045
  Preliminary examination, allowable at, 908.07, 970.03 (11)
  Videotaped statements of children, admissibility, 908.08
  Within hearsay, 908.05
Highway orders, presumption, 80.34
HIV test results, admissibility, 901.05
Hostile witness in criminal cases, 972.09
Housing authority, validity, 66.40 (4)
Husband and wife, privilege, exceptions, 767.65 (22), 905.05
Impeachment of witness, 906.07
  By evidence of conviction of crime, 906.09
Informer, government may refuse to disclose identity, exceptions, 905.10
Injured persons' statements, admissibility, 904.12
Inmates of institutions, how obtained, 782.45
Insurance assessments, 891.22
Insurance books, copies, 891.23
Interpreters, oath, 906.04
Interrogation of witnesses, mode and order, 906.11
Interrogatories, 804.08
Intoxication, chemical analysis, 343.305, 885.235
Inventory in action against executor, presumption, rebuttal, 777.14