General supervision, 149.07
Typhoid carriers, commitment, 143.14
Unemployment, relief, 101.40 to 101.43
Uniform county policy and procedure manual, 46.03 (23)
Urinals, flushing devices for, rules, 146.22
Vending machines, Ch. 50
Vending stands, 46.03 (14)
Visitorial powers, private institutions, 58.05
Visitorial powers and duties, 46.16, 46.17
Vital statistics,
  Powers and duties, 69.02
Vocational rehabilitation program for handicapped, 47.02
  Appropriation, 20.435 (5)
  Contract with nongovernmental agencies, 47.04
Wassermann tests, 46.13
Welfare reform studies, 46.03 (38)
Welfare services, supervision, 46.206
Winnebago county, water and sewerage service, 46.37
Wisconsin resource center:
  Correctional officers, 46.056 (2)
  Establishment, 46.056
Wisconsin substance abuse program, 302.05
Work for unemployed, 101.40 to 101.43
Work release plan for prison inmates, worker's compensation, 102.07 (16)
Work relief projects, reimbursement, rules, 49.05, 49.057
Workshops for blind, 47.03 (1)
Youth aids to counties, duties, 46.26
Youth services division:
  Affirmative action, juvenile corrections positions, 230.213
  Creation, 15.193 (1)