Abolishment of court by municipality, 755.01 (2)
  Records, delivery to municipal clerk, 755.12 to 755.14
Branches, municipality may establish, 755.01 (3)
Clerks, appointment, salary, 755.10
Courtroom, location, 755.09, 755.17
Creation of court by municipality, 755.01
Record, not a court of, 755.01 (1), 800.13 (2)
Sessions of court, 755.06
Absence or vacancy,
see Vacancy in office, under this subhead
Assignment of cases by chief justice, 751.03
Bond, 755.03
Clerk of court, judge may not serve as, 59.40
Continuing judicial education, 755.18
Court docket, 800.11
Dress and decorum, 755.17
Elections, 8.05 (1) (j)  

  Special elections, 8.50 (4) (fm)
Forfeiture collections, delivery to treasurer, 778.14
Law partners, restrictions, 755.09 (3)
List of, certified to secretary of state, 59.395 (4)
Malfeasance in forfeiture actions, 778.18
Marriages, may solemnize, 765.16 (6)
Multiple resignations, 17.015
Oath, 755.03
Office, location, 755.09
Papers, 755.11
Reserve judges, service as municipal judge, 800.065
Salary, 755.04
Statutes and official documents for judge, 35.85 (3)
Substitution, 800.05
Term, 755.02
Vacancy in office:
  Assignment of cases to other judges, 751.03, 800.06
  Continuance of pending actions, 755.16, 800.06
  How filled, 8.50 (4) (fm), 17.23 (1)
  Transfer of books, cases, 755.15
Generally 800.14

  Costs awarded, 814.08
  Filing fees, 814.61 (8), 814.65 (5)
Arrest, 800.02
Attorney fees, 814.65 (3)
Children, jurisdiction, 48.17 (2)
  Amendment, 800.025
  Form, 800.02 (2)
Civil action, 800.02 (1)
Commencement of action, 800.01
  Amendment, 800.025
  Form, 800.02 (3)
Contempt procedure, 785.06, 800.12
Continuance, caused by judicial vacancy, 755.16
Costs and fees, 800.10, 814.65
Default judgment, 800.04 (2m), 800.09
Depositions, when taken, 887.20
Deposits, 800.01 (3), 800.04
Discovery, 800.07
Docket and transcript entries, 800.11
Failure to appear, judgment, 800.04, 800.09
Forfeiture collection actions:
  Applicability of ch. 778, 778.015
  Collections, delivery to treasurer, 778.14
  Malfeasance of judge, 778.18
Guardian ad litem, appointment by courts, 755.01 (5)
Initial appearance, 800.04
Interpreters, fees, 814.65 (2)
Judgment, 800.09