Subrogation, 949.15 (1)
  Violations by claimants, bring action, 949.17 (4)
Crime victims council, appointment, 15.257 (2)
Criminal history search fee, 165.82
Criminal identification, records and statistics, 165.83, 165.84
Criminal investigation division, 15.253 (2)
Criminal investigations, 165.50
Dairy products, investigate trade barriers, 165.09
Deputy, 15.04 (2), (3)
  Appointment, bond, oath, duties, 165.055
District attorneys, advise, 165.25 (3)
Divisions, 15.253
DNA testing, 165.76, 165.77
  Failure to submit, 165.765
Drug advertising, fraudulent, 100.182
Drug law enforcement grants, 165.97
  Prescription, rule-making authority, 450.11 (8)
  Seek injunction to regulate dangerous, 161.11 (6) (b)
Duties, 165.015, 165.25
  As prescribed by law, VI, 3
Election, VI, 1
Election and term of office, 8.25 (4)
Election laws, action to compel compliance, 5.07
  Petition for enforcement of election laws, 5.08
  Petition for enforcement of federal voting rights act, 5.081
Electric utilities constructing bulk generating facilities, advance plan, file, 196.491 (2) (b)
Emergency protective placement, officer training, 165.86 (2)
Employe trust funds dept., duty regarding, 40.03 (3)
Employment relations law, duties, 111.12
Endurance contests, abatement, 175.15
  Duties, 24.03
  Notice of, 879.03 (2) (c)
Ex parte restraining order, enforcement of statute, notice of, 813.025
Executive assistant, 15.05 (3), (5)
Extradition agreements with Indian tribes, 976.07
Farmland preservation agreement, enjoin for use change, 91.21 (1)
Fees, keep statement, 165.015 (4)
Firearms and ammunition, disposal, 968.20 (3)
Fires, investigate cause, 165.55
Foreign limited partnership, action to restrain, 179.89
Foreigners, appearance for in probate proceedings, 879.21
Forest crop lands tax, action to collect, 77.07 (2)
  Boxing law, recovery, 444.15
  Industry, labor and human relations commission orders, 101.02 (5)
  Lands held by aliens, recovery, 710.02
  Under chs. 30 and 31, prosecute, 30.03
Forms, prepare for departments, 165.25 (5)
Foster and family-operated group home parents represented by, 48.627 (4)
Franchise investment law:
  Administration, 553.71
  Violations, commence action for injunction, 553.54
Fraudulent advertising and representations, 100.18
Future service plans, duties, 136.03
Gambling devices, transporting, action for forfeiture of vehicle or aircraft, 945.05 (3)
Gambling law enforcement, 945.041
Gambling place, abatement, 823.20
Grants for law enforcement:
  Milwaukee community policing, 165.984
  Technology grants, 165.983
  Weed and seed project, 165.982
Grants for sexual assault victim programs, 165.93
Habitual traffic offender:
  Represent secretary, 351.04
  Secretary to certify copy of conviction record to, 351.03
Handgun buyers, criminal history record search, 175.35
Hazardous waste management, confidentiality of records, 144.70
Historical society contracts, 165.25 (8)
Hospital regulation and approval law, enforcement, 50.39
Impersonating an officer, penalties, 125.105
Income tax, 71.78, 71.80, 71.85, 71.92
Indian reservations, county-tribal law enforcement programs, 165.90
Indigents, reports on recoupment and repayment, 977.10
Industry, labor and human relations commission may ask aid, 101.02 (5)
Information center between law enforcement officers, 165.78
Inland lake protection and rehabilitation districts, dissolution, represent state, 33.35
Inspections and warrants under controlled substances act, 161.52
Insurance, enforcement of decrees, 618.61 (3)
Insurance company:
  License fee, action to recover, 76.68
  Protect policyholder in action against, 601.71
Insurance law, enforcement, 601.12 (2)
Intercounty racketeering, investigation, expense, 756.10 (8)
Investigation council, general provisions, 15.09
Judicial council, member of, 758.13
Land donated to state, examine title, 24.02