Motor vehicle operators, health reports made without informed consent, 146.82 (3)
  Authority, generally, 146.17
  Expenses under chs. 144 to 146, liability, 146.16
Parents denied physical placement rights, 146.835
Patient health records, 146.81 to 146.84
Pesticides, distribution and sale,
Privies; servicing, regulations, 146.20
Senior companion and retired senior volunteers, programs, 46.85
Septic tank servicing; regulations, 146.20
Solid waste disposal, regulation, generally, 144.30 to 144.46  
For detailed analysis,

Tanning facilities, regulated, 255.08
Tissue, donor services, 146.31
Town sanitary districts, 60.70 to 60.79  
For detailed analysis,

Vending machines,
Waste disposal,
Wounds and burns, reporting requirements, 146.995
X-ray shoe-fitting machines, 941.34
Abatement of hazards, 254.59
  Abatement certification, 254.20
  Definitions, 254.11
  Management, rules, 254.21
  Testing fees, 254.19
Beaches, 254.46
Campgrounds, swimming pools and recreation areas; fees and permits, 254.47
Dead animals, rendering and removal; local regulation, 254.58
Generally 254.01

  Human health hazards, 254.55
  Radiation, 254.31
  Toxic substances, 254.11
See also Diseases

  Chronic diseases:
  Epidemiologist, state, duties, 255.02
  Health and social services dept., duties, 255.03
  Definitions, 255.01
Groundwater contamination, identification, categories, 160.05, 160.07
Health and social services department:
  Delegation of authority to local departments, 254.015
  Health risk assessment, 254.02
see Real property hazards, under this subhead
Indoor air quality, health and social services dept. duties, 254.22
Lead exposure and lead poisoning:  

  Day care centers, requirements, 48.737
  Definitions, 254.11
  Health and social services dept. duties:  
Generally 254.15

  Care for children with lead poisoning or exposure, 254.164
  Certification of contractor, 254.176
  Enforcement, penalties, 254.30
  Lead hazard reduction, 254.172
  Lead inspections, 254.167, 254.168, 254.17
  Local authority, 254.152, 254.154
  Response to reports, 254.166
  Screening recommendations, 254.158
  Screening requirements, 254.162
  Labels, standard, 100.186
  Lead paint, 254.12, 254.156
  Prevention grants, 254.151
  Reduction and management service providers, 254.176
  Reports of poisoning or exposure, 254.13
PCBs, manufacture and purchase prohibited, exceptions, 144.79
Poison control system, 146.57
Public buildings, 254.56
  Definitions, 254.31
  Exceptions to law, 254.39
  Health and social services department:
  Duties, 254.34
  Enforcement authority, rules, 254.37
  Impounding materials, 254.38
  Ionizing radiation installations, registration, 254.35
  Nuclear plants, radiation monitoring, 254.41
  Penalties, 254.45
  Public policy, 254.33
  Radiation protection council, 254.36 (1)
Real property hazards:
  Abatement of hazard, 254.59
  Housing, declaring a hazard, 254.593
  Property violating codes or orders, declaring a hazard, 254.595
Smoke in atmosphere, local regulation, 254.57
public health 3. local health officers,3. Local Health Officers, Generally
Beaches, 254.46
Campgrounds, swimming pools and recreation areas; fees and permits, 254.47
Boards of health:
  Gifts to, 251.14
  Membership, 251.03