See also Interstate acquisition and merger, under this head

  Commissioner's certificate, 214.63
  Commissioner's expenses, 214.64
  Effect, 214.635
  Emergency, 214.665
  Plan, 214.62
  Vote of approval, 214.625
Name requirements, 214.035
Officers, 214.342
  Bond, 214.34
  Conduct, 214.345
Parity with other financial institutions, 214.03
Prohibited business relationships, 214.72
  Access to, 214.37
  Evidence from, 891.24
  Record keeping requirements, 214.75
see Commissioner of savings and loan, under this head
Restructuring of corporation, other than merger or sale of assets:
  Acquisition of control, 214.675
  Conversion from mutual to stock, 214.685
  Conversion of institution to savings bank, 214.66
  Interim institution, formation, 214.655
  Jurisdictional conversion, 214.68
Review board, 15.825 (2), 214.78, 214.785
Sale of assets:
  Authorized, 214.645
  Emergency, 214.67
  Procedure, 214.65
see Capital, under this head
Thrift lender status, 214.045