Operation of board, 19.47
  Orders and recommendations, 19.53
  Policy, declaration of, 19.41
  Probable cause of violation, board to make determination, 19.51
  Public inspection of records, 19.55
  Rehearings, 19.54
  Settlements, 19.545
  Stadium discounts for officials prohibited, 19.451
  Standards of conduct, 19.45, 19.451
  Statement of economic interests, file, notice of delinquency, 19.43
  Form, 19.44
  Violations, penalties, 19.58
Examination of in connection with expenses, 16.53 (3)
  Items allowed, 16.53 (1)
  Supervision, 16.53 (1) (ca)
  Travel, 20.916, 230.12
Frauds and uncollectible shortages, agency heads to report, 16.55
Hazardous employment, injuries, salary continued, 230.36
Health insurance:
  Coverage, 40.51 (6)
  Premiums, 40.05 (4) (a) 2
  Retired, coverage, 40.51 (10), (10m)
  Vision care coverage, 40.51 (9)
Holidays, 230.35 (4)
Impeachment, 17.06
Injury in hazardous employment, salary continued, 230.36
Interchange data, reports, employes, 20.901
Interchange of government employes, 230.047
Interpellation by legislature, 13.28, 13.29
Judgments against:
  Damages, costs, 895.46
  Claims board, 775.06
Jury leave, 230.35 (3) (c)
Legislature, employes transferred to, 13.21
Lifeguard, injured, salary continued, 230.36
Management rights, 111.90
Military service, leave, reinstatement, 45.50, 230.32, 230.35 (3) (a)
Moneys, deposit and receipt for, 20.906
Motorcycles, private, use of, reimbursement, 20.916 (4m)
Moving expenses, 20.917, 230.12
National or state guard or reserve members, leave, 230.35 (3) (a)
Notary public, provisions for, 20.919
Oaths and bonds, form, where filed, 19.01
Occupational safety and health regulations, 101.02 (15) (jm), 101.055
Office hours, 230.35 (4)
Open meetings of governmental bodies, 19.81 to 19.98
Overtime, for work on holidays, 230.35 (4)
Patrol officer, injured, salary continued, 230.36
Police officer, injured, salary continued, 230.36
Political contributions and services restricted, 11.36
Positions, creation or abolishment, 16.505
Private interest in public contracts prohibited, 946.13
Public defender, Ch. 977
Recall from office, 9.10
Record of positions, appointments, 14.40
Removal, 17.07
  By legislature, 13.30, 17.06
  Collector of public funds, 17.08
  Procedure, 17.16
Resignation, 17.01
Ride-sharing and van pools, 16.82 (5)
Risk management program:
  Administration dept. to coordinate, 16.865
  Appropriation, 20.865 (1)
  Indemnification of state agencies building corporation and state public building corporation, 895.47
  Program supplementation, 16.004 (11)
Salaries, 20.923
  Adjustments, 20.865 (1), 20.928 (3)
  Deductions, optional and mandatory, 20.921
  Deferred compensation plan, 40.80 to 40.82
  Increases, limitation, 16.50 (3)
  Overtime exclusion, 20.923 (16)
  Suit to restrain, 16.415 (3), 230.43 (5)
  When payable, garnishment, 16.53 (1) (d)
Salary ranges, department heads, 20.923 (4)
Security officer, injured, salary continued, 230.36
Sick leave, leave of absence, 230.35
Soliciting political subscriptions, 230.40
State building corporations, indemnification of, 895.47
State contracts:
  Interest in forbidden, IV, 25
  Wage rate, 103.49
State-owned vehicles and aircraft, use for campaigning restricted, 11.37
State patrol:
  Civil disorders, duties, 166.04
  Injuries, salary continued, 230.36
  Inspection of vehicles, 110.075