Funding and refunding, 18.06 (5)
Harbor assistance and improvement projects, 85.095 (2) (d)
Highway construction, 84.51
Interest on delayed payments, 16.53 (11)
Internal improvements, VIII, 10
Investments allowed, 219.04
Lawful money to be borrowed and paid, 18.10 (2)
Legislative votes on, quorum, VIII, 8
Limitations on aggregate, 18.05
  Authorizing resolution may authorize negotiation of, 18.06 (2)
  Form and content, 18.07
Minority investment firm underwriting, 18.16
Nonpoint source water pollution abatement projects, 18.06 (10)
Notes, authorizing resolution may authorize issuance, 18.06 (3)
Operating notes:
  Accounting, 16.004 (9), 16.40 (16)
  Redemption fund, 18.75
  Requests for issuance, 16.405
Pledge of full faith, 18.12
Prepayment, 18.10 (9)
Procedures, 18.06
Purposes, VIII, 7; 18.04
Record of instruments, 18.10 (7)
Registration, 18.10 (5)
Regulations, 18.10
Replacement of instruments, 18.10 (6)
Restriction, VIII, 4
Retirement of debt, 18.10 (10)
Scope of law, 18.02
Sinking funds, from bond security and redemption fund, 18.09
Suits against the state, 18.13
Trustees, 18.10 (8)
Validation of debt, 18.14
Veterans housing loans, 18.04 (5)
state 20. public lands, generally20. Public Lands, Generally
Generally Ch. 24

Abandoned personal property, disposition, 20.909
Acquired by tax sale, action by former owner, condition, 75.63
Acquisition, authority, XI, 3a
Additions, by grant or donation, 24.02
Annexation or detachment, 24.40
Burial sites on, preservation, 157.70 (6m)
Buying by commissioners or employes, 24.56
Certification of title, 891.14
City commissioners, 27.11
Commissioners of public lands:
  Appointments by, 24.55
  Appraisers, selection of employes, 24.58
  Buying of public lands, forbidden, 24.56
  Clerks and assistants:
  Clerk may take acknowledgments, 24.04
  Duties, oath, 24.55
  Constitutional officers, X, 7
  Duties and powers, X, 7, 8
  Jurisdiction, 24.51, 24.52
  Governor, duty to provide information to, 23.13
  Investment board to assist, 25.17 (9)
  Land investigations, expense, 24.53
  Records, public, copies as evidence, 24.54
  Report, 24.57
  Trust funds:  
Generally 24.60 to 24.72
For detailed analysis,

  Expenses, 24.62
  Loan program, 24.61 (3), (4), 24.63 to 24.72
see Sales, under this subhead
Definitions and classifications, 24.01
Detaining unlawfully, ejectment, 24.37
Disposal, II, 2
Drainage assessments, when state lands subject to, 88.50
Drainage law, right of way across state lands, 88.50 (2)
Easements over, granting, 24.40
Ejectment to recover, 24.37
  Authority for escheat, 852.01 (3)
  Recovery by state, 24.03
  Sale, special terms, 24.11 (3)
Evidence of state's title, 891.03, 891.04
Exchange of land with private parties, 24.09
Federal surplus property development, subdivision regulation, 236.45 (5)
Fences between public and private lands, 90.035
Field archaeology, unlicensed prohibited, 44.47 (2)
Forest lands,
Forest products unlawfully cut, seizure and sale, 26.06
Leases, commissioners may make, 24.39
License to prospect, 24.39
Lost certificate or patent, certified copy, 24.36
Lots on, how sold, 24.06
Money from sales of materials on, 26.07
Natural areas, acquisition, inventory, dedication, 23.27 to 23.29
Notice of resale, 24.31