Savings and loan associations, 215.02 (5)
Secret rebates and unfair trade practices, 133.05
State law enforcement officers, judgment against, relief, 775.06
Street trades offenses, forfeitures, 103.29, 103.30
  Response time, 801.09 (2)
  Service on attorney general, 775.01, 801.11 (3)
Tax suits, fees of clerk and sheriff, 76.26
Taxpayers, to restrain salary, 16.415 (3), 230.43 (5)
Travel expenses of state employes, unauthorized, 20.916 (6)
Undertaking, 775.01
Unfair trade practices, 100.24
Venue, 801.50 (3)
Worker's compensation, 102.28 (4), 102.64
Aeronautics, transportation dept. secretary to establish rules, 114.31 (7)
Airports, 114.34, 114.35
Alternative schools operating Indian language and culture programs, 115.75
Child care grant program, 46.98
  American Indians, resource and referrals services, 46.984
  Expenditure of funds, 46.979
  Quality improvement grants, 46.987
  Startup and expansion, 46.986
Community mental health, developmental disabilities, alcoholism and drug abuse services, 51.423
Community youth and family aids to counties, 46.26
Cooperative educational service agencies, 116.08
  Children's code proceedings, 48.06 (4)
  Fairs, 93.23 (1)
  Fish and game projects, 23.09 (12)
  Forests, 28.11
  Development of habitat, 23.09 (17m)
  Handicapped children's education boards, 121.135, 121.14
  Mental health facilities, 51.91
  Recreation facilities, development, 23.09 (11)
  Snowmobile trails, 23.09 (26)
  University extension program, 59.87 (5)
Cystic fibrosis aids, 49.483
See also Diseases

  Patient liability, 49.487
Fairs, local, 93.23 (1)
Families with dependent children,
Family aids to counties, 46.26
Food program for women, infants, children, 253.06
Forestry fund account, 28.11 (8)
Forward Wisconsin, Inc., aid to, 20.143 (1)
General relief,
Harbor assistance program, 85.095
Highway flood damage, 86.34
Indian reservations, county-tribal law enforcement programs, 59.07 (141), 165.90
Indian student assistance, 20.235 (1) (fb), 39.38
Indians, needy, 49.046 (3)
Kidney disease, aid for treatment, 49.48
Library systems, 43.24
Livestock breeders association, 93.31
Local agency, water quality planning, 144.235
Long-term support community operations program, 46.27
Mass transit operating assistance program, 85.20
Maternal and child health services, 253.03
Medical college of Wisconsin, 39.15
  Policies, 39.155
Milwaukee county expressways, 59.965 (8)
  Aid in lieu of property taxes on certain state lands, 70.119
  Environmental damage compensation, 66.365
Outdoor recreation program, purpose, establishment, duties, 23.30
Park systems in metropolitan areas, 23.09 (20)
Parks, local, 23.09 (20)
Point source pollution abatement, 144.24, 144.25
  Public debt for, restrictions, 18.06 (10)
Programs, development dept. to publish and distribute list, 560.03 (16)
Public assistance,
Recreation resources facilities, state debt to provide, 23.31
Reports by recipients, publication, 16.525
Rustic roads system, 83.42 (8), (8m)
School districts, labor disputes, 121.23
  Adjustment, redetermination of assessment, 70.57 (2), 121.09
  Children at risk program, 118.153
  Children with exceptional educational needs, 115.88, 115.882
  Computation, 121.07
  Education program for school age parents, 115.93
  Minimum payments, 121.10
  Payment, 121.15
  Payment of state aids, reductions, 121.08
  Purpose, 121.01