State employes and officers, 893.82
Collection agencies, delinquent, claims against, 218.04 (9m)
Commercial paper, 403.122
Computation of time, 893.04
Condemnation, alternate procedures, cities of first class, 32.61 (2), 32.70
Construction lien actions, 779.036 (4) (b), 779.06
Consumer credit transactions, action by customer to enforce rights, 425.307
  Actions relating to, 893.43
  By city or village, action to contest, 66.13, 893.75
  Governmental obligations, 893.61
  Omnibus provision, 893.50
  Payments, effect of, 893.48, 893.49
Contracts to marry, property procured by fraud, 768.06, 893.41
Contribution, action for, 893.92
Conversion, 893.35, 893.51
  Amendment of articles, action to invalidate, 185.53 (4)
  Distribution of assets, 185.71 (6)
  Survival of remedy, 185.76
Corporate take-over law, civil liabilities, 552.21 (3)
  Administrative dissolution, reinstatement, 180.1422 (1), 180.1423 (2)
  Directors' liability, proceedings against, 180.0833 (3)
  Dissolved, claims against, 180.1406 (2), 180.1407 (2)
  Foreign, certificate of authority revocation, appeal, 180.1532 (1)
  Nonstock, dissolution, 181.65
  Secretary of state filing refusal, appeal, 180.0126 (2)
  Shareholder dissent, 180.1328 (2), 180.1330 (1)
Counterclaim, limitation on use of a right of action as, 893.14
County park assessments, actions to avoid, 27.065 (11)
County seat change, contesting, 893.71
Court judgments, actions relating to, 893.40, 893.42
Crimes, prosecution, 939.74
Dealership practice law, 893.93 (3) (b)
  Of judgment debtor, 815.14
  Of parties, effect, 893.22
Decedents' estates:
  Actions against, 893.93 (1) (c)
  Allowance of claims, 859.15
Defense, limitation on use of a right of action as, 893.14
Disabilities, effect, 893.16 to 893.18
Ejectment, 843.09, 843.13 (1)
  Under void tax deed, 75.29
Elections, campaign financing, civil action arising from violation, 893.90 (2)
Escape, action against officer, 893.93 (3) (a)
Escheats, recovery from state, 863.39 (3)
Estate tax assessments, 72.30 (4)
Execution, 815.04
  After judgment debtor's death, 815.14
  Sales, deed issuance, 815.55
Extended limitations, 893.10 to 893.23
Extension of time because no person to sue, 893.11
Extradition of persons of unsound mind, 51.84
False swearing, 946.32 (1) (b)
Family and medical leave, civil remedies, 103.10 (13), 893.96
Felonies, 939.74
Financial corporations or limited liability companies, actions against directors, stockholders, members or managers, 893.60
Financial transactions, actions related to, 893.60 to 893.65
Foreign corporations, 893.19
Foreign statute of limitations, application, 893.07
Forest crop lands, review of findings, 77.12
Forest fires, action to collect expenses for fighting, 26.14 (9) (b), 893.91
Forum, non-Wisconsin, effect of action on Wisconsin cause of action, 893.15
Franchise investment law, civil liability, 553.51 (4)
Fraud, relief, 893.93 (1) (b)
  Relief, state case, 893.87
Fraudulent transfers, 242.09, 893.425
Gang caused injury, 893.93 (1) (e)
General relief, recovery of, 49.08
Governmental decisions or organization, actions relating to, 893.70 to 893.77
Governmental obligations, actions related to, 893.61
Governmental officials, action against, 893.70
Highway construction damages, appeal, 80.24, 80.25
Highway construction determination, appeal, 80.22
Highway grade, flooding, damages, 88.87 (3) (b), 893.59
Highway orders, time to contest, 80.34, 893.73 (2) (c)
Highways, laying out, curative provision, 80.01 (4)
Incest, 893.587
Income and franchise tax, 71.74 to 71.77
Index, revisor of statutes to include in statutes, 13.93 (1) (p)
Indigent defendants, recovery of legal fees paid for, 757.66, 893.86
Industry, labor and human relations department orders, review, 101.02 (8)
Insane, 893.16 to 893.18
Insurance death claim based on absence, 813.22
Insurance policies, 631.83
Insurers liquidation proceedings, 645.49 (2), (3)