towns 1. general provisions1. General Provisions
Abandoned property, disposal, 66.28
Adverse possession against, 893.29
Airplane landing fields, 66.074
Airports, land acquisition loan program, 114.37
  Effective dates, 66.021 (16)
  Territory detached from city, 62.075, 66.022
  Territory detached from village, 61.74
  Town islands by city or village, 66.021 (15)
Annexation and transfer of territory, adjustment of assets and liabilities, 66.03
Apportionment board, 66.03 (5) to (8)
Appropriations, 66.04
Area fixed by U. S. plats, 891.28
Attachment, validity of, 60.06
Bail, ordinance violations, 66.114
Bank creditor, not preferred, 224.05
Bicycles, regulation and registration, 349.18 (2)
Boating regulation, 30.77
Borrowing, general provisions,
Boundaries, action to test, town party in interest, 66.029
Budget requirements, 65.90
Building codes, 60.61 (1m)
  Manufactured buildings, 66.302, 101.76, 101.761
  Multifamily, 66.303
  One- and 2-family dwelling, 66.301, 101.65, 101.651
Building on unsewered property, 66.036
Bulkhead lines, establishment, 30.11
Business improvement districts, 66.608
Cemeteries, acquisition, 157.50 (5)
Census, federal, 60.81
Cigarette and tobacco products sales license, 134.65
Claims against:
  Motor vehicle accidents, 345.05
  Procedure, 60.44
  Tort actions, notice, limitation of damages, 893.80
Community living arrangements, location, 59.97 (15)
Community relations-social development commission, 66.433
Community response committee for economic development, 560.15
Concerts, 66.49 (5)
Condemnation, generally, Ch. 32  
For detailed analysis,

Consolidation, 66.02
Contracts, statute of limitation, 893.61
Cooperation with other units of government, 66.30
County not divided into towns considered town, 60.09 (1)
Debt limit, tax levy, XI, 3
Detachment, 61.74, 62.075, 66.022
  Validity of, 60.06
Division or dissolution:
  Generally, 60.03
  Statute of limitations, 893.73 (1) (b)
Dog license law, 174.05 to 174.12
Drainage district, transfer to town jurisdiction, 88.83 (1r)
Economic adjustment program, 560.15
  Sanitary district commissioners, 60.74, 60.785
  Town sanitary commission officers, 60.76 (1)
Electric companies, authority to create, 66.073
Electrical construction inspection, 101.86
Electricians, certification of, 101.87
Environmental damage compensation, 66.365
Exposition districts,
Family day care homes, 66.304
Farmland preservation, 91.80
Fire department, 213.08
  Dues from insurance, 101.575
Firearms and ammunition, seized, disposal of, 968.20
Foreign trade zones, establishment, 182.50
Forest fires, suppressing, 26.11 (6)
Forfeitures, outstanding unpaid, refuse to issue license or permit, 66.117
Fuel depots, 66.074