Board of adjustment, 60.65
Budget, preparation and adoption, 60.40
Business improvement districts, 66.608
  Neglected, transfer, 157.115 (1) (c)
  Provide for, 60.23 (16)
Chairperson, powers and duties, 60.24 (1)
City powers, 66.437
Civic improvements, 60.23 (3)
Claims, pursue, 60.22 (5)
Claims against town, procedure, 60.44
Community action agencies:
  Appropriate funds for promoting, 66.434
  Approve, 46.30 (2)
Compensation, officers, establish, 60.32
  Gravel pits, 81.01
  Highway improvements, 83.07
  Determine jurisdiction and duties, 60.22 (4)
  Establish higher fees, 814.705
Contribution to truancy ordinance, 60.23 (22)
Criminal conduct, ordinances and forfeitures, 60.23 (23)
Dead animals, disposition, 60.23 (20), 66.345
Detachment, test validity, 60.06
Directives from town meeting, 60.10 (2)
Dogs, list of by designee, 174.06
Dogs at large, regulation, 60.23 (30)
Drug paraphernalia ordinance, 60.23 (21)
Election officials, number and appointment, 7.30
Eligibility for other offices, 66.11
Emergency government, continuity, 166.07
Emergency government program, 166.03 (4)
Emergency pest and disease control, 60.23 (8)
Emergency powers, 66.325
Emergency temporary location for government, 166.06
Employes, employment, 60.37
Expenses of officers, employes, reimbursement, 60.321
Fence viewers, supervisors are, 90.01
Fences in subdivisions, 60.23 (19)
Financial audits, 60.43
  Prohibit setting, 26.13 (3)
  Protection, 60.55
  Safety regulations, may adopt, 60.555
Garbage dumping areas, approval, 66.052
Grants of authority from town meeting, 60.10 (2)
Hazardous waste management, disposal facilities, local approval, 144.44 (1m), 144.445
  Duties and powers, 81.01
  Mileage determinations, file, 86.302
  Taxes, levy, rate limit, 81.11
  Town line, maintenance charges, 80.11
Historic preservation, 60.64
Horses running at large, regulation, 60.23 (30)
Housing authorities, 60.23 (27)
Humane officers, appoint, 58.07
Industrial development agency, create, 60.23 (4)
Intergovernmental cooperation, 60.23 (1)
Island towns, health care provider appropriation, 60.23 (9)
Manuals for officers, employes, provide, 60.321
Meetings, 60.20 (3)
  Open to public, 19.81 to 19.98
Membership, 60.20 (1)
  Increased, 60.21
Menominee town, 60.21 (3)
Motor vehicle registration fee, may impose, 341.35
Municipal court, ordinance creating, 755.01
Municipal judge, provide for election, 60.36
Natural resources, conservation, 60.23 (6)
Neighborhood watch program and signs, 60.23 (17m)
Nonintoxicating beverages, license, 66.053
Offensive industry, power over, 66.052
Park, unused, vacation, 236.43 (3)
Playground, unused, vacation, 236.43 (3)
Police, 60.56
Powers and duties, 60.22, 60.23
  City powers, 66.437
  Village powers, 60.22 (3)
Property assessments, expert appraisers, 70.055
Public access to waters, discontinuing, 80.41
Public depository, designate, 60.46
Public inland lake protection and rehabilitation districts, establishment, procedure, 33.23
Public utilities, regulation, 196.58
Public works:
  Contracts, 60.47
  Powers, 60.50
  Special assessments, 60.51
Quorum, 60.20 (2)