DDT, sale and use prohibited, 134.67
Dairy product wholesalers, retailers and brokers, unfair practices, 100.201, 100.202
Dating service contracts, regulated, 134.68
Dealerships, fair dealership law, generally, Ch. 135  
For detailed analysis,

Deceptive advertising and representations,
Detergents, nondegradable, sale prohibited:
  Alkyl benzene sulfonate, containing, 144.14
  Phosphates, 100.28
  Advertising, fraudulent, 100.182
  Pricing, unfair discrimination, 100.31
Energy savings or safety claims, 100.21
Evergreen trees, cutting, selling, transporting, 134.60
Fair dealership law, generally, Ch. 135  
For detailed analysis,

False receipts, 134.20
  Register to be kept by warehouse keeper, 134.205
Farm machinery:
  Retailers' storage safety requirements, 167.19
  Sales, safety requirements, 100.47
Fitness and diet centers:
  Contracts, 134.70
  Staff requirements, 134.705
Form retention and disposal, 134.345
Fur garments, labeling, 100.35
Future service plans, generally, Ch. 136  
For detailed analysis,

Gold or silver articles, misbranding, 134.25 to 134.32
Guessing contest, offering prize, 100.17
Heating and air conditioning contractors, registration, 101.178
Home heating fuel dealers, notice of fuel assistance programs, 134.80
In-pack chance promotion, 100.16 (2)
Injury to business, conspiracy, 134.01
Justice department authority,
Labeling products, generally, Ch. 132  
For detailed analysis,
see Labels

Lead paint, prohibition, 254.12
Lemon law,
see Motor vehicles, under this head
Loss leaders outlawed, 100.30
Mail-order sales regulated, 134.83
Money, issuing and using substitutes, 134.15
Motion picture distribution, 134.23, 134.45
Motor fuel dealerships, rights of survivorship, 134.85
Motor vehicles:
  Dealerships and industry, sales and distribution system regulated, 218.01
  Fuel, posting price and tax, sales, 100.18 (8)
  Replacement parts, identification and labeling, 100.44
  Rustproofing warranties, 100.205
  Warranties on leased or new, 218.015
  Adjustment contracts, 218.017
Outdoor theaters, exhibition of sexual material, 134.46
Packaging standards, 100.43
Paint and sundries, labeling, 100.186
Parties to violation of ch. 134, 134.99
Penalties under ch. 100, 100.26
Phosphates, cleaning agents and water conditioners containing, sale restricted, 100.28
Plastic container labeling required, penalty, 100.33
Platinum stamping, 134.33
Plays, unauthorized presentation, 134.21
  Dealing, 134.50
  Shipment, 134.52
Price markups, regulated, 100.30
Prize notices and prizes regulated, 134.74
Produce wholesalers and merchants, 100.01, 100.02
Safety or energy savings claims, 100.21
Selling with pretense of prize, in-pack chance promotion exception, 100.16
Tanning facilities, regulated, 255.08
Telecommunications services, 100.207
Telegraph company, prohibited practices, 134.36 to 134.39
Telephone solicitation, use of electronic devices prohibited, 134.72
Ticket refunds, 134.22
Tobacco products, restrictions on sale or gift, 134.65, 134.66
Trade secrets,
Trademarks, generally, Ch. 132  
For detailed analysis,

Trading stamps, regulation, 100.15
Trusts and monopolies,
Unfair practices:  
Generally 100.20

  Cumulative remedies, 100.25
  Revocation of corporate authority, 100.24
  Secret rebates, 133.05
  Telecommunication services, notification to PSC, 100.208
Unfair sales act, 100.30
Unsolicited goods, 241.28
Vessel hulls and parts, duplication, prohibition, 134.34
Warehouse keepers,
Water heater thermostat settings, 134.81
Wheelchair warranties, 134.87