Police protection services, 61.65, 61.66
  Mutual aid agreements, adjacent state agencies, 175.46
Pollution investigation and remedial action grants, 144.442 (9m)
Population, use of federal census, 61.191
Private sewage system ordinance, 59.065
Protective services, combined, 61.66
Public transportation:
  Joint operation, 66.064
  Method of payment, 66.066 (1m)
Public utility:  

  Acquisition, construction, lease, 66.065, 197.01 to 197.09
  Charges, 66.069
  Defined for financing purposes, 66.067
  Districts, creation and alteration, 66.072
  Excess income, how invested, 66.069
  Franchises and service contracts, 66.061
  Joint operation, 66.064
  Management, 66.068
  Method of payment, 66.066
  Report to commission, 196.12
  Restriction upon construction, 196.50 (4)
  Sale or lease of plant, 66.07
  Service outside limits, 66.069 (2)
  Special assessments, 66.08
  Stock, village borrowing on, 66.066 (4)
Rabies control, local programs, 95.21 (9)
Railroad crossings, maintenance, 86.11 to 86.13
Recycling or resource recovery facilities, acquisition without bids, 61.57
Reinvestment neighborhoods, 66.465
Reorganization of city as village, 66.019 (6)
  Agent status for permits or inspections, 254.69 (2)
  Order authority re inspection, 66.124
Restrooms and comfort stations, public, 66.49
Retail food establishments, licensing and inspections, 97.41
Reward for capture of criminals, 61.75
River projects, cooperation with federal government, 66.45
Sanitary districts, incorporation or annexation, 60.79
  Loans to school districts, 61.34 (4)
  Parking on near side of streets, ordinance permitting, 346.52 (2)
  Zones, traffic signs, 118.08
Sewage connection, to order, 144.06
  Contract service with metropolitan sewerage district commission, 66.898
  Joint sewerage system, 144.07
  Combined with waterworks, 66.077, 66.078
  Outflow or effluent, 144.05
  Service charges, 66.076
Shared revenue account, state, Ch. 79
Smoke nuisance, prohibit, 254.57
Soda water beverages, license, 66.053 (2)
Solar access permits, 66.032
Solar energy flow, may require easements in platting land, 236.13 (2) (d)
Solar energy systems:
  Control of vegetation blocking, 66.033
  Regulation, 66.031
Solid waste flow control, recycling or resource recovery facilities, 61.345, 61.57, 159.13
Spearfishing, law enforcement aid program, 29.599
Special laws, IV, 31
State aid to municipalities in lieu of property taxes on certain state lands, 70.113, 70.114
State payments for municipal services, 70.119
Subdivision regulation, 236.45
Tourist rooming houses,
see Hotels, motels and lodging, under this subhead
Urban homestead programs, 66.925
Urban rail line relocations, may apply for study, 85.065
Urban rail transit systems, 85.063
Urban redevelopment law, 66.436
Urban renewal act, 66.436
Vending operations, agent status for permits or inspections, 254.69 (1)
Vocational school, disposition of property upon creation of a vocational education district, 38.20 (2)
Water connection, to order, 144.06
Water pollution and conservation ordinances, 92.11
Water resource projects, cooperation with federal government, 66.45
Water safety patrols, state aid, 30.79
Water supplies, damage to by regulated activity, 144.265
Watercourses, improvement, 61.36
Wisconsin development fund, 560.60 to 560.685
Zoning, 61.35, 62.23
  Construction site erosion control and storm water management zoning, 61.354
  Extraterritorial, 62.23 (7a)
  Floodplain, 87.30
  Historic property, variances, DNR to develop rules, 87.304
  Shorelands on navigable waters, 59.971 (7)
  Wetlands in shorelands, 61.351
villages 2. actions by and against2. Actions By and Against
Adverse possession against, 893.29
Allowance or disallowance, 61.51