Nominations, 8.05
Nonpartisan primary, 8.05 (4), (5)
Notice, 10.01 (2)
  By clerk, 10.06 (3)
  Posting, 10.05
Officers, terms, 61.19
Officials, number and appointment, 7.30
Polling places, 5.25
Primaries, nonpartisan, 8.05 (4), (5)
Special, 8.06
Tax levy, 61.46
Voting machines or systems, required in populous villages, exception, 5.40
Wards, division into, 5.15
villages 7. officers and employes7. Officers and Employes
Actions against:
  Damages, costs, 895.46
  Expenses and costs, 814.24, 895.35
  Municipality may pay, 895.35
Appointment of officers, 61.19, 61.197
  Appointment, 61.197 (1) (f)
  Duties, oath, compensation, 61.27
  Form, filing, premium cost, 19.01
  Payment of premium, 19.01 (8)
  Where filed, additional bond, 61.22
Borrowing money, restrictions on, 61.61
Civil service system, 66.19
Constable, bond, powers, 61.29
Custodian of records, 19.33
  To deliver official record, 19.21
Deferred compensation plan, 40.81, 40.82, 66.04 (2) (b)
Discontinuance or consolidation of offices, referendum, 61.195
Election and appointment, XIII, 9; 61.19
Eligibility for other offices, 66.11
Emergency interim successors to local officers, 166.08 (5), (6)
Employment relations, 111.70
Engineer, survey duties, failure, 59.66
Ethics code, 19.59
  Stadium discounts for officials prohibited, 19.451
Humane officers, 58.07
Insurance benefits, self-insured health plans, 66.184
Interchange of government employes, 230.047
Interim officers when incorporated, 66.019 (3)
Labor disputes, 111.70
Labor negotiator, 111.70 (5)
Law enforcement officers:
  May be candidates, 164.06
  Training programs, 165.85, 165.86
Malfeasance, 196.68
Marshal, 61.28
Municipal judge:
  Oath and bond, 755.03
  Salary, 755.04
  Term, 755.02
New elective office, filling, 17.245
Oaths, 61.21
Peace officers, police, 61.31
Private interest in public contracts prohibited, 946.13
Removal, 17.13
  Procedure, 17.16
Residence required, 61.19
Resignation, 17.01
Salary schedules, automatic, 66.199
Term, 61.23
Unions authorized, 111.70
  Due to armed service, 17.035
  Filling, 17.24
  How caused, 17.03
  Notice, 17.17
  Qualification of successor, 17.28
  Temporary absence, 61.23
Worker's compensation, 102.03 (1) (c) 5, 102.07 (10)
Cancellation book and record, 66.081
Demand, condition of action, 66.125
Disbursements, procedure, 66.042
Judgment on, 67.26
Animals doing damage, appraisers, fees, 173.01
Animals running at large, duties, 172.04, 172.05
Combination office with county supervisor, 66.192
Duties and powers, 61.24
Emergency powers, 66.325
Execution of written instruments, 61.50
Vacancy, trustee eligible to fill, 61.325
Weed commissioners, appoint, supervise, 66.97 to 66.99