Anticipatory on sale of bonds, 67.10 (5)
Bidding process for public construction contracts, 62.15
Bond, form, 62.15 (2)
Certificate to contractor, 66.54
Comptroller's duties, 62.09 (10)
Cooperative with other municipalities, 66.30
Default, completion by city, 62.15 (10)
How executed, 62.15 (12)
How let, 66.29
Interstate, 66.30 (5)
Liability of contractor, bond, 779.14
Light, heat, water, to city, tax levy, deductions, 66.061 (2)
Motor bus system for city, tax levy, deductions, 66.061 (2)
Nonbid, report to council, 62.15 (14)
Official newspaper, bidding, 985.06
Payment of money, limitation, 893.61
Public transportation system for city, tax levy, deductions, 66.061 (2)
Public works, how let, 62.15, 66.29
Recycling or resource recovery facilities, acquisition without bids, 62.155
Validating act, work done in good faith, 66.295
Water service to city, tax levy, deductions, 66.061 (2)
Weights and measures service, 98.04 (2)
cities 11. elections11. Elections
Ballots, spring election, 5.60 (3)
  Spring election, primary, 5.58 (3)
Canvass, 7.53
First election after incorporation, 66.019
Notice by clerk, 10.06 (3)
Officials, number and appointment, 7.30
Polling places, 5.25
Primary, how provided, 8.11
Recall from office, 9.10
Special, 8.06
Voting machines or systems, required in populous cities, exception, 5.40
Wards, division into, 5.15
Budget and accounting, 62.12
Disbursements, procedure, 66.042
Investment, 66.04 (2)
  Delegation of investment authority, 66.04 (2m)
License moneys, 62.12 (5)
Public land rental fund, transfer, 27.11 (8)
Sale of lands, to land commissioners, 27.11 (8)
Withdrawal from local treasury, 66.042
cities 13. manager plan13. Manager Plan
Abandonment, reorganization, 64.14
Adoption of plan, petition, procedure, 64.03
Cities, Ch. 64
  Second, third and fourth class, 64.01
City manager, powers, 64.11
  To make fiscal report, 64.12
  Duties, salary, 64.08
  Election, who eligible, 64.04
  First may revise appropriations already made, 64.13
  Powers, meetings, quorum, president, 64.07
  Recall, 64.06
  Terms, vacancy, 64.05
Election to adopt, 64.01
  Appointed by council, 64.09
  By council, 64.09 (7)
  Notice to manager, 64.09 (8)
  Salary fixed by council, 64.09 (6)
  Temporary, 64.09 (10)
Ordinances, bylaws, resolutions not affected by adoption, 64.02
Police and fire commission, 64.10
Powers of council, optional, 64.105
State commission work continued, 64.13
Vested rights not affected by adoption, 64.02
Villages, 64.15
  Qualified to become city, 64.01
When effective on adoption, 64.01 (2)
cities 14. officers and employes14. Officers and Employes
Accounts, examination by council, 62.12 (3)
Actions against:
  Costs, 814.24
  Damages against city, 62.25
  Damages, costs, 895.46
  Municipality may pay expenses, 895.35
  Reimbursement, 62.09 (7) (e)
Alderman, combination with county supervisor, 66.192
Assessor, certification, 62.09 (1) (d)
  Corporate or independent contractor, 62.09 (1) (c)
Attorney, 62.09 (1)
  Duties, 62.09 (12), 62.115
  Public interests in children's code proceedings, represented by, 48.09