Franchises and service contracts, 66.061
  Installation in adjacent municipality, 196.58 (7)
  Joint operation, 66.064
  Management, 66.068
  Method of payment, 66.066
  Report to commission, 196.12
  Restriction upon construction, 196.50 (4)
  Sale or lease of plant, 66.07
  Service outside limits, 66.069 (2)
  Special assessments, 66.08
  Stock, city borrowing on, 66.066 (4)
Public works construction, 62.15
Rabies control, local programs, 95.21 (9)
Railroad crossings, maintenance, 86.11 to 86.13
Recall of officers, 9.10
Generally 19.21 to 19.39

  Destruction, 19.21 (7)
  Personal information protection, 19.62 to 19.80
  Reproduction, destruction, 19.21 (4)
  Retention time, 16.61 (3) (e), 19.21 (4) (b)
Recycling or resource recovery facilities, 62.225, 159.13
  Acquisition without bids, 62.155
Redistricting, 62.08
Reinvestment neighborhoods, 66.465
Rendering plants, regulation, 254.58
Restaurants, order authority re inspection, 66.124  
See also Restaurants

Restrooms and comfort stations, public, 66.49
Retail food, order authority re inspection, 66.124
Retail food establishments, licensing and inspections, 97.41
Reward for capture of criminals, 62.26 (4)
Riot damage, 66.091
Riparian rights, 62.22 (3)
River projects, cooperation with federal government, 66.45
Room tax on hotelkeepers, motel operators, forfeiture to enforce, 66.75
Sanitary districts, incorporation or annexation, 60.79
School zones, traffic signs, 118.08
Second class city, function of board of assessors, 70.075
Sewage from other municipalities, 62.175
  Bonds, 62.185
  Construction, approval by metropolitan sewerage commission, 66.916
  Contract service with metropolitan sewerage district commission, 66.898
  Special assessments for improvements, 66.62
  Connection, 144.06
  Financing, 66.076
  Outflow or effluent, 144.05
  Service charges by metropolitan sewerage district commission, 66.91 (5)
Shade trees, 27.09
Shared revenue account, state, Ch. 79
Sidewalks, 66.615
Slaughterhouse, operation, 66.075
Smoke nuisance, 254.57
Soda water beverages, license, 66.053 (2)
Solar access permits, 66.032
Solar energy flow, may require easements in platting land, 236.13 (2) (d)
Solar energy systems:
  Control of vegetation blocking, 66.033
  Regulation, 66.031
Spearfishing, law enforcement aid program, 29.599
Special assessments, 66.60, 66.63
  Annexed territory, 66.03 (13)
  Bonds and certificates, 66.54
  Match federal highway aid, 86.25 (3)
  Property benefited by improvements upon property in adjacent municipality, 66.65
  Sewer construction, 66.62
  Under unlawful contract, reassessment, 66.295
  Under void contract, refund, 66.53
Special charges, 66.60 (16)
Special laws, IV, 31
State aid in lieu of property taxes on certain state lands, 70.113, 70.119
State main street program, 560.081
State payments for municipal services, 70.119
Summons, service on, 801.11 (4)
Tax incremental financing in public improvement projects, 66.46
Temporary loan, 67.12
Traffic accident record system, maintain, record, 66.0485
Transit commission:
  Establishment, 66.943
  Joint with county, 59.967, 59.968
  Wis. retirement system for employes, 66.944
Tree planting and removing, 27.09 (4)
Trees, grants for, 23.097
Urban homestead programs, 66.925
Urban rail line relocations, may apply for study, 85.065
Urban rail transit systems, 85.063
Urban redevelopment law, 66.405 to 66.425
Utility, bonds to construct, 66.066
Utility districts: