Fire chief or building inspector, deputy of industry, labor and human relations department, 101.14 (2)
Fire department, 62.50
  Platoons, 62.13 (11a)
Fire fighters, hours of duty, 62.13 (11a)
Fire inspection intervals, 101.14 (2)
Firearms, seized, disposal of, 968.20 (3)
Foreclosure of tax lien, 75.521
Funds, disbursement, 66.042 (5)
General charter law not to apply, 62.03
Harbor improvements,
Health insurance for officers and employes, 66.186
Highway funds:
  Allotment for bond payments, 84.03 (1) (b)
  East-west transportation corridor, 85.028
Historic preservation of landmarks, 62.23 (7) (em)
Invested fund proceeds, use, 66.04 (4)
Investment of retirement funds, 66.82
Land, division into small parcels, penalty, 236.33
Law enforcement officers, bill of rights, Ch. 164
Lease of space over street or public place, 66.048 (3)
Liability reserve fund for paying claims against, 65.07 (1) (s), 65.90 (6)
  Contract for services for physically handicapped, 43.03 (6)
  Public, board, 43.54 (1) (am)
Mayor, office vacancy, filling, 17.23 (1) (b)
Mayoral appointments, 66.146
Medium security prison, 992.10
Menomonee river conservation project, 23.19
Metropolitan sewerage district, 66.88 to 66.918
Motor vehicles, weight limitations, 348.15, 348.16, 349.15 (3)
Municipal court:
  Commencement of action, 800.01 (1)
  Concurrent jurisdiction, 755.045 (1)
  Release of video-transmitted defendants, 800.04 (2)
Municipal elections, legal holiday, 895.20
Municipal theater, establishment authorized, 229.27
Museum, 229.11 to 229.18
  Board, 229.12, 229.13
  Director, employes, curators, 229.14
  Donations and receipts, 229.16
  Funds, expenditures, 229.15
  Site, building and equipment, 229.17
New hope project, 46.31
Officers and employes:
  Annuity and benefit fund, 66.80, 66.81
  Bonds, 66.145
  Failure to report moneys, no salary, 65.10
  Health insurance, 66.186
  Report and pay in moneys, 65.10
Park commission, 27.08
Park fund, 27.10
  Control, disbursement, 27.15
Parking system, operating, 66.079
  Driving exhibition, horse racing, 27.08 (6)
  Optional provision, 27.07
Pedestrian malls, 66.610
Plan commission, 27.11 (13), 62.23 (9a)
  Chief, powers, 111.70 (9)
  Compulsory arbitration of labor disputes, 111.70 (4) (jm)
  Grants for community policing, 165.984
  Supervisors, collective bargaining rights, 111.70 (8)
Police department, 62.50
  Bill of rights, Ch. 164
Property assessments, objections, how made, 70.47 (16)
Property insurance escrow, 632.10 to 632.104
Public grounds, discontinuance, 66.297
Public officials, residency required, 66.144
Public utilities, acquisition, 197.10
Rail transit system planning study, appropriation, 20.395 (1) (br), 85.063
Retirement board, 66.80
Retirement funds:
  Death benefits to foreign beneficiaries, 66.805
  Exempt from taxation, execution, assignment, 66.81
  Investment, 66.82
Retirement system:
  Intrastate retirement reciprocity, 40.30
  School board contributions, 119.18 (12)
Salaries, uniform, classification, changes, 66.526
Sale of municipal bonds, time limitation, 67.10 (4)
Sewage collection and treatment, debt limit and retirement period for, XI, 3
Sewage from other municipalities, 62.175
Sewer extensions, 62.175
Sewerage commission, 66.88 to 66.918
Shorelands, ch. 30 applicability, 30.05
Solar access permits, 66.032
Soldiers and sailors, tax obligations, suspension, 45.53 (6) to (8)