Leave of court required, 806.23
  Limitation, 893.40
  Special courts, prior to 1962, 806.155
Admitted claim, judgment on, 806.03
Amount, computation, 138.03
Assignment, clerk to enter on docket, 806.18
Children's code proceedings, generally, 48.31 to 48.365
  Effect, 48.35, 48.39
  Fact-finding hearing, 48.31
Collection pending appeal, deposit in court, 806.09 (2)
Confession prohibited, 806.25
  Consumer credit transactions, 422.405
Contents, 806.01 (1)
County court judgments, preservation of, 753.077
Declaratory relief act, 806.04
Declaratory relief against obscene matter, 806.05
Default judgment:  
Generally 806.02

  Corporation, criminal, collection, 973.17
  Costs allowed, 814.04 (6)
  Failure to testify or depose, 804.12 (2), 885.11 (5)
  Real property action, affirmative proof required, 840.07
  Small claims actions, 799.22, 799.29
  Tax lien foreclosure, action in rem, 75.521 (8)
Deficiency judgment:
  Consumer transactions, 425.209, 425.210
  Mortgage foreclosure, 846.04
  Secured transactions, 409.504
Generally 806.10

  Appellate court judgments, 806.16
  Reversal on appeal, 806.10 (2)
  Arbitration, 788.14
  County where real estate affected is situated, 806.14
  Court ordered, 806.10 (1)
  Estates, judgments in favor of, 879.43 (3)
  Federal court judgment, 806.17
  Foreign county, docketing in, 806.13
  Foreign judgments, uniform act, 806.24
  Forfeitures, 778.09
  Lien, 806.15
  Municipal court judgment, 806.12
  Refusal to satisfy, 806.20 (2)
  Worker's compensation, awards, 102.20
  Review, 102.24
Enforcement in special cases; judgments against:
  Estates, executors, heirs and legatees,
  Municipalities, 66.09
  Public inland lake protection and rehabilitation district, 66.09
  Public officers and employes:
  Bond sureties, 19.03, 19.06
  State and political subdivisions to pay, 895.46
  Suit on official bond, lien, 19.05
  Sheriff, execution against, 815.13
  State, how paid, 775.04
  Vessels, 780.10
  Vocational education districts, 66.09
Entry of judgment, 806.06
Final or interlocutory, 806.01 (1) (a)
Findings, conclusions; combined with judgment, 805.17 (2)
  Copies as evidence, 889.15, 889.16
  Uniform enforcement act, 806.24
Foreign-money claims, 806.30 to 806.44
Forfeiture, judgment for, 778.09
Granting, 806.06
Indian tribal court, full faith and credit, 806.245
Interlocutory, when given, 806.01 (2)
Joint obligations act, 113.02
Lien, 806.15
see Satisfaction of judgment, under this subhead
Mortgage foreclosure, 846.01
  Amendment, 846.09
  Assignment to defendant, 846.02
  Contents, 846.09, 846.10
  Default judgment, affirmative proof required, 840.07
  Deficiency, 846.04
  Discharge, 846.13
  Interest on, 846.12
  Subrogation, 846.15
Municipal court, 800.09
Municipal orders, judgments on, 66.125, 67.26
Municipal ordinance violations, 66.12
Municipalities, judgments against, 66.09
Natural resources forfeiture actions, 23.79, 23.80