Place, failure to specify, 402.308
  Rejection by buyer, 402.508
  Risk of loss, nonconformance, 402.510
  Shipment by seller, 402.509
  Shipment by seller, 402.504
  Single or several lots, 402.307
  Stoppage in transit, 402.705
  Substitute performance, 402.614
  Tender, 402.503, 402.507
  Time, 402.309
  Specifications as superseding description in considering inconsistent warranties, 402.317
  Warranty of conformance, 402.313
Deterioration of goods:
  No arrival, no sale, 402.324 (2)
  Risk upon seller under C.I.F. or C. & F. terms, 402.321 (2)
Dishonor, check given as payment, 402.511 (3)
Disputes, preservation of evidence of goods, 402.515
Documents of title, delivery, 402.308
  Delivery of document, 402.514
  Payment by financing agency, 402.506
Drink sales, implied warranty, 402.314
Duration, contract calling for successive performances, 402.309
Entrusting of goods to merchant, 402.403 (2), (3)
Evidence, conformance of goods, 402.515
Exclusion, warranty of merchantability, 402.316
Exclusive dealing, 402.306 (2)
Excuse, delay of delivery, 402.615, 402.616
  Inspection of goods, 402.513 (2)
  Rejected goods, buyer's security interest, 402.711
  Rights of buyer, 402.603
Express warranties:
  Conflict with implied warranties, 402.317
  Creation by affirmation, promise, description, sample, 402.313
Ex-ship delivery, 402.322
Family, seller's warranty extending to, 402.318
F.A.S., 402.319
Financing agency, rights, 402.506
Firm offers, 402.205
Fitness for purpose, implied warranty, 402.315, 402.316 (2)
  Foreign shipment, 402.323
  Terms, 402.319
Food sales, implied warranty, 402.314
Formation of contract in general, 402.204
  Remedies, 402.721
  Rights of seller's creditors, 402.402
Fungible goods, 402.105 (4)
Future goods, 402.105 (1)
  Identification for purpose of ascertaining insurable interest, 402.501 (1)
Good faith:
  Purchaser, voidable title, 402.403
  Rejected goods, duties of buyer, 402.603 (3)
Goods to be severed from realty, 402.107
Guest, seller's warranty extending to, 402.318
Identification of goods to contract, 402.704
Implied warranties, 402.314
  Conflict with express warranties, 402.317
  Examination of goods, 402.316
  Fitness for particular use, 402.315, 402.316 (2)
Incidental damages:
  Buyer's right to, 402.715
  Seller's right to, 402.710
  Duties of buyer with respect to claim, 402.607
  Warranty against, 402.312 (3)
Insolvency of buyer, stoppage of delivery, 402.705
Insolvency of seller, buyer's right to goods, 402.502
Inspection of goods:
  Buyer, 402.513
  C.I.F. or C. & F. terms, 402.321 (3)
  Conformance of goods, 402.515
  Payment, 402.512
Instalment contracts, breach, 402.612
Instructions, rejected goods, 402.603
Insurable interest in goods, 402.501
Invoice for shipment of goods, postdating as delaying commencement of credit period, 402.310 (4)
Letters of credit, 402.325
Limitation of actions, 402.725
Limitation of damages, 402.718, 402.719
Livestock, exception from implied warranty, 402.316 (3)
Lost or destroyed property, C.I.F. or C. & F. terms, payment, 402.321 (3)
Lots, price, apportionment, 402.307
Market price:
  Determination, 402.713
  Proof of, 402.723