Relocation payments not taxable, 32.196
Replacement housing, 32.19 (4)
Right to possession, 32.05 (8), 32.06 (9)
Riparian rights, by cities, 62.22 (3)
River improvement companies, 182.016
Sewers, 32.05
State, parks, 27.01 (2) (a)
see Highways, under this head
Testamentary gifts, ademption inapplicable, 853.35 (4)
  Action to perfect or acquire, 32.12
  Defects, 32.11
  Passes, 32.05 (7), 32.06 (9)
  Power to convey, 32.15
Toll bridges, 84.13, 84.135
Town boards, public works, 60.50 (1)
Transmission lines, 182.017
Transportation department, 84.09
Trustees, power to convey title, 32.15
Turnpike corporations, 182.35
Turnpike projects, utility easements, 182.37
Uneconomic remnants, 32.05 (3m), 32.06 (3m)
United States:
  National forest, 1.055
  Sites and buildings, 1.02
  Wildlife refuges, 1.035
University regents, 36.11 (9)
Urban redevelopment projects, 66.413 to 66.415
Veterans' housing authority, county, 66.39 (7)
Village board, general power, 61.34 (3)
Waste, liability for, 32.05 (8)
Who may condemn, 32.02
Writ of assistance to condemnor, 32.05 (8), 32.06 (9)