Investigations and hearings, 16.004 (3)
  Investment board member, 15.76 (1)
  Nonprofit corporations (state), advise, 16.60 (3)
  Oath, 15.05 (4)
  Operating note redemption fund, 18.75 (4)
  Operating notes:
  Enter agreements to maintain accounting, 16.004 (9)
  Requests for issuance, 16.405 (2)
  Personnel management information system, establish, report on, 16.004 (7)
  Powers and duties, 16.004
  Rules, establish for administering department, 16.004 (1)
  Salary, 20.923 (4)
  Selection, 15.05
Sentencing commission,
Small business, veteran-owned business and minority business opportunities council, 15.107 (2)
Staff, 16.003 (2)
State capitol and executive residence board:
  Membership, terms, 15.105 (5)
  Purpose, powers and duties, 16.83
State contracts, waive bond requirement, 779.14 (1)
State flag, duties re manufacture, 1.08
State investment fund, duties, 25.14
State-local relations council:
  Creation, membership, 15.107 (14)
  Duties, 16.025
State office buildings parking, 16.843 (2)
State tax, certify to county clerks, 70.60 (1)
State trust fund loans, duties, 24.70
State use board, 15.105 (22), 16.752
Statewide emergency services number, advisory authority, 146.70 (4)
Student loans, deduction from state employe's earnings to repay, 39.32 (11)
Surveillance of state employe, dept. to promulgate rules, 16.004 (12)
Tax appeals commission,
Telephone, statewide emergency services number, 146.70 (2)
Transportation in groups for state employes, 16.82 (5)
Travel expenses of state employes, audit, 16.53 (1) (ca)
Trust lands and investments division, 15.103 (4)
Vehicle fleet management and maintenance for agencies, 16.04
  Alternate fuel use and storage, 16.045, 100.265
Vendors to state, vendor taxes set off of payments to, 73.12
Veterans museum, provide rooms, 45.01
Waste facility siting board:
  Creation, 15.105 (12)
  Executive director, 15.105 (12)
  Appointment, 15.07 (1) (b)
  Terms, vacancies, 15.105 (12)
Wisconsin reports, to distribute, 35.84
Women's council:
  Creation, membership, 15.107 (11)
  Duties, state agencies to assist, 16.01
Worker's compensation benefits:
  Duties, 102.08, 102.42 (8)
  Request justice dept. to represent state, 102.64
Agency position authorization, 231.02
Applicants, recommendations, 230.20
Contractual services, 16.705
Information system, 16.004 (7)
Secretary, to be notified, when, 230.09 (2) (g)
Appointment of principal engineer or architects for departments, 16.85 (6)
Biennial inspection of buildings, report, 16.85 (8)
Construction of buildings and services controlled by ch. 16, 16.89
Construction project contracts:
  Awarding to minority businesses, 16.855 (10m)
  Letting, preference, 16.855
  Use recycled material, 16.855 (10p)
Contracts, approval, 16.87
Cost of services charged to particular project, 16.88
Energy conservation in state-owned facilities, promote, 16.85 (5)
  Electricity, heat and chilled water, purchase of, 16.92
  Prepare specifications, test, 16.90
Fuel or utility service, sale, 16.93
Heating, cooling or power plants, state owned or operated, powers, 16.895
Insurance contracts for losses on part of state, 16.865 (5)
Long-range planning, 16.85 (10)
Powers and duties, 16.85
Report to officers of charges for fuel, 16.91
Risk management coordination, 16.865
  Program supplementation, 16.004 (11)
Secretary, delegation of work, 16.85 (11)
Setoffs, of payments to vendors, 16.875
University of Wisconsin, buildings constructed for, dept. to review plans and construction, 16.85 (12), 36.29 (7)
Vendors to state, vendor taxes set off of payments to, 73.12
administration dept. 4. federal resource4. Federal Resource Acquisition
Proceeds from sale of land, buildings, equipment, 16.98 (3)
Surplus federal property, acquisition by department, 16.98 (1)