counties 9. highways9. Highways
See also Highways

Acquisition of lands, 83.08
Additions, deletions, board may with departmental approval, 83.025 (1)
Aid to municipalities:
  Designation of county aid highways, 83.02
  Maintenance of county aid highways, 83.06
  State line bridges, 83.15
  Streets, width eligible for aid, 83.05
  Town and village initiative, 83.14
  Worker's compensation, county assumption of liability, 83.17
Bicycles, power to regulate roadway use, 349.23
Board may lay, alter, discontinue, 80.39
Board may sell land held for highway purposes, 83.08 (4)
Bridges, local program, 84.18
Cattle passes, 83.12
Construction by county, 83.04
  Fund for, 83.065
Contracts with municipalities, 83.035
Controlled-access highways, establishment, 83.027
County trunk system:
  Classification, 83.025 (1)
  Uniform marking, 83.025 (2)
Defective, actions for injury, 81.15
Design standards for improvement, department to establish, 84.01 (9)
Detours and temporary highways, 83.19
Dust-free surfacing at dairy plants or meat packing plants, 86.08
Encroachments, removal, 86.04
Entry on adjoining lands, 83.18
Federal aid and secondary feeder roads, 83.026
Fire calls on public highways, reimbursement to towns, villages, 60.557
Grade change, damages, 32.18
Gravel pits of natural resources dept., 23.20
Hayrack or sleigh rides, license, 349.25
Highway commissioner:
  Appointment, duties, 83.01
  Board may set term, 59.07 (34g)
  Emergency repairs, 83.09
  Highway register, 83.01 (7) (g)
  Railroad signs, erection, 195.286
  Right to enter on lands, 83.18
  Town highways, notice of change, 80.07
  Traffic safety commission, member, 83.013
  Vacancy, filling, term, 17.22
Highway committee:
  Acquisition of lands, 83.07 (1a), 83.08
  Agreements with department, 83.025 (3), 86.25
  Condemnation, highway improvements, 83.07
  Conveyances to state, 84.09 (3)
  Cost accounting system, 83.015 (3)
  Election, pay, term, duties, powers, vacancy, 83.015
  Federal aid and secondary feeder roads, 83.026
  Per diem, acquiring lands, 84.09 (4)
  Salary, 59.03 (3) (i)
  Sale of lands, 84.09 (3) to (5)
  Sale of road supplies, 83.018
  Weight limitations, 349.15 (2), 349.16
Improvement, assessment of tax, gifts, 83.03
In-line skates on roadway, 346.94 (17)
  Authority to restrict, 349.235
Junked automobiles, prohibited near highways, 175.25 (2)
Jurisdictional mileage determinations, file, 86.302
Laying, altering and discontinuing:  
Generally 80.01, 80.39
See also Condemnation

  Appeals, town and county:
  Damage awards, 80.24 to 80.30
  Highway order, 80.17 to 80.22
  Control of highways laid by county, 80.40
  Highway to waters, 80.41
  Reversion of title, 80.32
  State park, highway abutting, 80.025
  Fences, removal, 80.23
  Landlocked lands, road out, 80.13, 80.14
  Lis pendens, 840.11
  Width, 80.08
  Extending width, 80.64
Markers or monuments, 83.11
Mass transit operating assistance program, 85.20
Mass transit way, establishment, 349.22
Matching state or federal funds, 83.03 (4), 86.25
Notice to lay, vacate or extend, 840.11
Patrol officers, 83.016
Populous counties:
  Additions to trunk system, 86.18
  City powers, 86.185
Repairs, emergency, 83.09
Road supplies, sale to municipalities, 83.018
Rustic roads system, 83.42
Safety coordinator, 59.07 (34m), 83.013
Section and quarter section corners, marking, 83.11