Shelter care facilities for juveniles, 48.22
University centers, bonds to construct, 66.51
counties 7. claims against7. Claims Against
Classification, populous counties, 59.78
Corporation counsel, settle, 59.07 (3)
County board examine, settle, allow, 59.07 (3)
Criminal cases, claims arising under, form, 59.77
Damage done by dogs, 174.11, 174.12
Disallowance, time for bringing action, 59.79
Examination and allowance, 59.79
Fees in court matters, 59.77 (8)
Judicial officers, 59.77
Milwaukee county, 59.78
Motor vehicle accidents, negligence, 345.05
Negligence actions, notice, limitation of damages, 893.80
Uniform procedure, 59.76, 59.77 (1), 893.80
Wildlife damage claim program, 29.598
Apportionment of county taxes, duties, 70.63 (1)
Archer hunting license, issuance, 29.104 (3)
Auditor for county, 59.72
  Order, 5.66
  September primary, duties, 5.62 (4)
Bank deposits, withdrawal, 59.75
Bond and oath, 59.13
Bond to natural resources department, 29.09 (11)
Cancellation book for orders, 66.081
Certified copies, fees, 59.17 (14)
Certify claims in connection with prisoners, 59.175
Claims against estates, entitled to notice, 859.07
Condemnation, relocation order, filing, 32.05 (1)
Debt statement to secretary of state, 69.68
Declaration to physicians, 154.03 (2)
Deputies, appointment by, duties, salary, 59.16
Duties, 59.17
Election of, 59.12
  Ballot preparation and distribution, 7.10
  Ballots, errors, correcting, 5.72
  Canvassing duties, 7.60
  Notice, publication, 10.01 (2), 10.06 (2)
  September primary and general election, 10.74
  Special, county officers, order, 8.50 (1)
  Special primary and election dates, 10.82 (2)
  Spring primary and election dates, 10.64
Electronic voting systems:
  Proceedings at central counting location, 5.86 (1)
  Sample ballot labels and cards, publication, 5.94
False certificate as to killing animals, 66.37 (5)
Farmland preservation agreements, duties, 91.13
Fees, certified copies, 59.17 (14)
Fetal alcohol syndrome pamphlets, distribute to marriage licensees, 46.03 (34), 765.12 (1)
Fishing, hunting or trapping approvals, duties, 29.09 (6) to (7m)
Flood control hearing, notice, 87.04
  Collected, duty as to, 778.17
  Failure to file statistical reports, 69.69
Great Lakes trout and salmon stamp, issuance, 29.15 (3)
Highway improvements, notice to, 84.01 (17)
Holds title for county, 59.67
Hunting approvals, duties, 29.09 (6) to (7m)
Hunting licenses, duties, 29.09
Incapacitated, substitute, 59.16
List of municipal officers to secretary of state, 59.17 (20)
List of public lands, lands mortgaged to state, 70.24
Marriage license, 765.05
  Docket, 765.20, 765.30 (4)
  Fee, 765.15
  Issuance, 765.08 (2), 765.12
  Unlawful issue, 765.30 (2)
Municipal power districts:
  Election, calling, 198.04 (3), 198.06 (1)
  Notice to public service commission, 198.04
Municipal water district, election, 198.22
Notice to assessors of tax-exempt county lands, 75.32
Office, where kept, when open, 59.14
Orders on treasurer, 59.81
Public lands and lands mortgaged to state, list, 70.24
Report on official bonds, 19.01 (4)
Reports to county board, 59.17 (16)
Senior citizen recreation card:
  Effective period, 29.093 (12)
  Issuance, 29.095
Slat net licenses, 29.343 (1)
  Burial, expenses, duty, 45.18
  Relief, duty, 45.14
Special board meeting, notice to members, 59.04 (2)