Setting, 26.14 (5) to (8)
  Negligent handling of materials, 941.10
  Accidental shooting, duties, 29.221
  Armor-piercing bullet in handgun, use, 941.296
  Concealed, carrying, 941.23
  Disarming peace officer, 941.21
  Endangering safety, by use, 941.20
  Facsimile firearms, restrictions, 941.2965
  Imitation, 941.297
  In public buildings, 941.235
  Machine guns:
  Defined, 941.27
  Manufacturer to register, 941.25
  Use, 941.26
  Near parks, 167.30
  Possession prohibited, 941.29
  Short-barreled, possession, 941.28
  Silencers, prohibited, 941.298
  Taverns, possession in, 941.237
Fluoroscopic shoe-fitting, 941.34
Food, placing harmful objects in, 941.325
Food law violations, Ch. 95  
For detailed analysis,

Gangs, solicitation of members, 941.38
Health and social services dept. rules, violations,
Household products, tampering with, 941.327
  Negligent use, 941.20
  Switchblade, possession, 941.24
Motor vehicle, negligent operation, 941.01  

Tear gas, use, 941.26
Telephone calls, emergency, interference, 941.35
criminal code 9. public peace and order9. Public Peace and Order
Generally Ch. 947

Abusive language, 947.01
Bombs, scares, 947.015
Dance halls and amusement places, 175.20
Disorderly conduct, 947.01
Drinking in common carriers, 947.04
Fight, causing, provoking or engaging in, 947.01
Harassment, 947.013
Telephone, unlawful use of, 947.012
Unlawful assembly, 947.06
Vagrancy, 947.02
criminal code 10. reputation and civil10. Reputation and Civil Liberties
Generally Ch. 942

Conspiracy to injure reputation or business, 134.01
Defamation, 942.01
Extortion, 943.30, 943.31
False advertisement or information for publication, 942.03
Genetic tests in employment, 942.07
Mail, opening without consent, 942.05
Polygraphs, use of, 942.06
Schools, discrimination against teachers, 118.20
Slander, 942.01
  Forfeiture of contraband devices, 968.32
  Interception and disclosure prohibited, 968.31
  Tracing devices, restricted, 968.34
criminal code 11. sexual morality11. Sexual Morality
Generally Ch. 944

Adultery, 944.16
Bestiality, 944.17 (2)
Bigamy, 944.05
Incest, 944.06
  With child, 948.06
Indecent exposure, 944.20
Lewd and lascivious behavior, 944.20
Obscenity, 944.20 to 944.23
Pandering, 944.33
Polygamy, 944.05
Prostitution, 944.30
  Patronizing, 944.31
  Place of, keeping or allowing use, 944.34
  Soliciting or encouraging, 944.32, 948.08
  When vagrants, 947.02
Sex offenders:
  Commitment of offenders, pre-1980, Ch. 975
  Commitment of sexually violent persons,
  Registration, 175.45
  Repeat offenders, sentencing, 939.623, 939.626
Sexual activity, forced viewing by children, 948.055
Sexual assault, 940.225
  Child, 948.02
  Repeated assault of same child, 948.025
  HIV testing of accused, 968.38
  Juvenile, 48.296
Sexual exploitation by therapist, duty to report, 940.22
Sexual exploitation of children, 948.05
Sexual gratification, 944.17