State fair park board cooperation, 42.10
Farm mediation and arbitration:
  Board, creation, members, 15.135 (5)
  Program, 93.50
Farm products:
  Inspectors, 93.11
  Marketing, promotion, 93.07 (17)
  Procurement, financial security, grading and tare, 100.03
  Requested inspection, grading, 93.06 (1m)
  Standards established, 93.09
Farmer assistance, 93.51
Farmers' institutes, conventions, 93.07 (6)
Farmland preservation:
  Agreements, powers and duties, 91.13
  Income tax credit,
  Interdepartmental cooperation, 91.03
  Preliminary agricultural areas delineation, 91.05
  Relinquishment of agreements, 91.19
  Rule-making authority, 91.07
Feeding stuffs, 94.72
  Regulations, 94.64
  Research council, creation, membership, 15.137 (5)
  Storage, rules, enforcement, 94.645
Food regulation:  

  Enforce regulations, injunction, 97.73
  Food processing plants, 97.29, 100.03
  Food warehouses, 97.27
  Inspection and enforcement, 97.12
  Inspectors, licenses, 93.11
  Retail establishments, 97.30, 97.41
  Rules and permits, 97.09
  Soda and bottled water, 97.34
  Standards established, 93.09
Food scarcity, orders to avert, 93.06 (3)
Forest insects and diseases, control, 26.30
  Enforcement actions for violations, 94.50 (7)
  False information to dept., 94.50 (5)
  Growers and dealers, registration, 94.50 (2)
  Inspection of records, 94.50 (4)
  Out-of-state, shipment certificate or sale, 94.50 (3)
  Records, public inspection, 94.50 (6)
  Summary orders to enforce law, 94.50 (7)
Groundwater protection,
  Compliance requirement, 93.07 (9)
Inspections, 93.06 (9)
  Access to documents, 93.15
  Certificates, 93.10
  Dairy and food, special, 97.32
  Investigate, test for diseases, 95.23
  License, fees, 93.11
Land conservation, basic workload allocation plan, review, 92.08
Land conservation board,
Liming material, sale or distribution of, 94.66
  Brands, recording, fees, 95.11
  Breeding and sanitation,
  Calf sales, marking calves, 95.51
  Dealers, licensing, 95.69
  Feed lots, permits, 95.715
  Inspection, interstate shipment, fees, 95.45
  Markets, licensing, 95.68
  Remedies, registration, 95.64, 95.65
  Truckers, licensing, 95.71
Livestock breeders association:
  Aid, 93.07 (4)
  Annual report to department, 93.31
Manure storage facilities, rules, 92.16
Marketing act,
see Agricultural marketing act, under this subhead
Marketing center, international agribusiness, 93.42
Meat and poultry inspection, 97.42
Meat for animal feed, identification, registration of buyers, 97.44
Mink research, 95.15
Nonpoint source water pollution abatement, 144.25
Nursery stock, inspection, sales, 94.10, 94.11
Pest control compact, duties, 93.07 (19)
  Bat control, 94.708
  Manufacturers and labelers, license, 94.68
  Regulation, 94.67 to 94.71
  Rules, 94.69
  Storage, enforcement, 94.645
Plant additives, regulation, 94.65
Plant pests:
  Control of, 93.07 (12), (15)
  Eradication, 94.02
  Inspection and removal, 94.01