Articles of incorporation and organization, patents, 891.20
Assessment roll, presumptive of equitable assessment, 70.49
Attested instruments, effect of acknowledgment, 889.23
Authentication and identification, 909.01 to 909.03
Aviation fuel tax actions, 78.70 (4)
Bail, information offered in setting, 969.08 (8)
Bank books, copies, 891.24
Bank records, reproductions, 220.285
Banking commissioner's records, certified copies, 220.13
Baptismal certificate, hearsay exception, 908.03 (12)
Blood alcohol concentration, 885.235
Blood test, in civil actions, 885.23
Board of trade contracts, 241.24
Boating intoxication law:
  Chemical tests, admissibility, 30.684 (4)
  Preliminary breath screening test, admissibility, 30.682 (3)
Branded containers, use by other than owner, 132.06
Brown county records of deeds, 2.05
Burden of proof,
Business records:
  Hearsay exception, 908.03 (6)
  Photographic copies, 889.29
Certificate of title, prima facie evidence, 342.10 (5)
Certified copies of public records, self-authentication, 909.02 (4)
Character, 904.04
  Methods of proving, 904.05
Character and conduct of witness, 906.08
Check, worthless, issuance, 943.24
Child abuse, emotional damage, 813.122 (8)
Child or spousal support, failure to provide, 948.22 (4)
Children, videotaped statements, admissibility, 908.08
Children's code proceedings:
  Hearings, 48.299 (4)
  Records admissible against child, 48.35
Childrens' injuries, no patient-physician privilege, 905.04 (4) (e)
  License and certificate, 889.18 (1)
  Patient's privilege, exceptions, 905.04
Church records, 891.09
Citizenship, order when papers lost, 891.345
Clergyman, communications to, privileged, 905.06
Commercial paper:
  Accommodation, parol evidence of, 403.415 (3)
  Dishonor, 403.510
  Self-authentication, 909.02 (9)
Common law of sister state, proof, 889.05
Compromise and offers to compromise, 904.08
Condemnation hearings, 32.08 (6)
Confessions, hearing out of presence of jury, 901.04 (3)
Confusion of issues, exclusion of relevant evidence on grounds of, 904.03
Construction of law, 901.02
Consumer credit actions, 425.311
Contested cases, 227.45
  Proof on refusal of grantor to acknowledge, 889.24 to 889.243
  Record same as original, 889.17
Cooperatives, certificate of incorporation, 185.05 (4)
  Certification, presumption, 889.08
  Court authorized use, civil actions, 807.06
  Of official records, 889.18
Corporate and company existence, 891.20
  When presumed, 891.31
Corporate and company meeting, affidavit of notice, 891.21
Corporate documents, secretary of state, filing, 180.0127
Corporations, actions by state, testimony, production of documents, immunity, 885.25
  Records as to taxation, 891.11
  Surveyor's records, 59.64
  Tax title, 992.08
Court appointed experts, compensation, 907.06
Court records, and copies, 889.07
Credit union books, copies, 891.24
Credit union records, reproductions, 220.285
Crime laboratory:
  Possession, disposal, 165.81
  Privilege, 165.79
Criminal cases:
  Civil rules applicable, 972.11
  Release prior to final determination, 972.11 (4)
Criminal damage, 943.01 (4)
Cross-examination, scope, 906.11
Dead man's statute, 885.16, 885.17
Death, absence as, 813.22 to 813.34
Declarant, attacking and supporting credibility, 908.06
Defamation, 942.01
Depositions and discovery,
Disorderly houses, nuisance actions, 823.11
Divorce, impounding, 767.19 (1)