Standby guardian, 880.36
  Transfers to, guardian not required, 880.04 (3)
  Visitation by grandparents, 880.155
Partnerships, incompetent partner, power of guardian, 179.65
Protective placement and services,
Psychotropic medication, incompetence to refuse, 880.01 (7m), 880.07 (1m), 880.33 (4m)
Removal of guardian:  
Generally 880.16

  Children's code cases, 48.14 (2)
  Fraud, mismanagement, 880.192
  Institutionalized persons, guardian for, 880.295 (2)
  Successor, 880.251
Resignation of guardian, 880.17
  Contracts void when, 880.215
  Definition, subject to guardianship, 880.01
  Guardian for, 880.03
  Notice, appointment of guardian, 880.08
  Securities, ownership by, 880.76
  Termination of guardianship, 880.26
Successor guardian, 880.17
Temporary guardian, 880.15
  Special guardian for sale of property, 786.08  
See also Condemnation of property, under this subhead

Termination of guardianship, 880.26
Trust company as guardian, 223.03 (7) to (9)
  Family members, support from estate, 880.21
  Uniform guardianship act, 880.60
Wills, nominating guardian in, effect, 880.09
Agent of guardian, compelled to account, 880.245
Annual report, contents, examination, notice, 880.25
Appointment of new guardian, 880.17, 880.18
Failure to file:
  Citation to guardian, 880.191 (2)
  Failure to respond to citation, 880.252
  Removal of guardian, 880.251
Judge may require accounting, 880.253
Settlement of, 880.26, 880.27
guardianships 3. appointment of guardian3. Appointment of Guardian
  Temporary guardian, 880.15 (2)
Corporate guardians, restrictions, 223.10
County as guardian for county hospital patients, 59.07 (86), 880.295 (1), 880.60 (4)
Expenses of ward in opposing petition, 880.24 (2)
Fees, register in probate, 814.66
  Duration of guardianship, 880.34
  Guardian ad litem, 880.331
  Mental commitment, incompetency not implied, 51.59
  Nonprofit corporation as guardian, 880.35
  Nursing home admittees, time for hearing, 880.075
  Special requirements, general provisions, 880.33
Institutionalized persons, 880.295
  County hospital patients, 59.07 (86), 880.295 (1), 880.60 (4)
Inventory and appraisal, 880.18, 880.191
Jurisdiction of circuit court:  
Generally 880.02

  Exceptions, 880.04
  Juvenile court proceedings, 48.14 (2)
  Subjects of guardianship, 880.03
Letters of guardianship, 880.14
Limited guardianship of property, 880.37
  Adoption of minors,
  Child support, in paternity action, guardian to collect and manage, 767.475 (7)
  Child welfare agency as guardian, 48.61 (5)
  Children with no living parents, 48.831
  Juvenile court jurisdiction, 48.14 (2)
  Special guardian, for sale of property, 786.02, 786.08
  Termination of parental rights actions, 48.427, 48.43
  Transfer on revocation of license of county agency guardian, 48.832
Nomination of guardian, 880.09
Notices, requirement:
  Appointment of guardian, 880.10
  Hearings and rehearings, 880.08
Order of appointment, 880.12
Petition, fees, 880.07
Selection of guardian, 880.09
Successor guardian:
  Appointment, 880.17
  Standby guardian, 880.37
Temporary guardians, 880.15
Venue, 880.05
  Change, 880.06
Veterans, 880.60
guardianships 4. management of estate4. Management of Estate
Generally 880.19

Bond, breach of, 786.08
Compensation and expenses of guardian, 880.24
Debts and claims:
  Collection, 880.23